My n/a dyno


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Fuzz420 said:
AJ & Starscream-My best hp to date is 148 @ the wheels but for the sake of discussion my AFR's were 11.2 across the board with only the stock ecu.

Yeah, I remember that. I was standing behind your car while you were dynoing. It was spitting out raw fuel because it was rich.

Ready for that turbo stuff to be put together and running? :naughty:


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
where did you get that that my coil pack is for peak and hold?
it's the stock ge pack that is used with yellow 280 inj

like I said it's a very reputable dyno, my boss who races at the local road track has been using it for over 10years

the only time i'm running lean is when the car is cold and at part throttle as i'm only getting 25psi at that time

i have not done shit loads of work and
i'm not trying to hide anything
What i'm posting is what I know
if I don't hit a 14 i will dyno it again

CRE said:
ROFL!!!! Have you even seen AJ's build specs? Oh god, you're killing me!

The originator of this thread is running lower compression than I am! He's got an aftermarket coil, he's running lean as hell, he's apparently using using high impedance injectors with the coil pack for the low impedance injectors still installed (from what I can tell from all his pics anyway).... The only way this guy is making 205RWHP is becuse he's driving on nothing but detonation (which is a great power maker if timed right.... for about a day.) or someone at the dyno didn't want to disappoint him and "tweaked" the initial settings. That or he's done SHIT LOADS more work than he's telling anyone.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Excellent, then let's get back to what the couple people in this thread who've also done a "shit load" of work on their cars keep on asking you..... "WHAT OTHER MODS?" You haven't listed one that'll give you that much more power over stock. A CLUTCH? WTF? Who cares.... they don't make ANY power. Hell they don't even free up power, they simply get you to the top quicker. Ignition coil? Sure, you can get perhaps another 10.... not upward of 60! The coil pack? 89+ injectors are high impedance, if you've got the green capped injectors remove the coil pack, it's just wasted in there and besides, if it's connected to the injectors they won't even spray!

Then you recommend that people start pulling fuel!? (The fact that you'd even say that without making DAMNED sure that anyone else who reads the post understands the possible ramifications really pisses me off.) You apparently have a godlike amount of knowledge of these car and as such you already know that you're on the threshold of the stock injector's ability to actually produce a decent spray pattern. When it comes to low pressure these injectors like to drool, not spray. And what does it matter if you've got high or low impedance injectors in the N/A? With the amount or fuel you're flowing you could run 250's.

Post up some factual data, timing maps, AFR logs, and whatever other mods you've done and I'll be behind you 100%... until then you're not coming off as even remotely creditable and I don't give a rats ass who your boss is or if the dyno guy is his best friend.... actually, it gives me even more reason to believe they padded the test for the benefit or your ego! Hell, to put down 200HP to the wheels I'm pretty sure your volumetric efficiency would have to be pretty well beyond 100%.... on a N/A 7M, not unless you've got a stroke like Derk Diggler and a bore like Brittany. ;)

NEWSFLASH!!!! Reputable does NOT equal accurate!

greensupra_87 said:
however after talking to some of the guys that had their cars dynod there, they said it might be reading too high.

greensupra_87 said:
like I said it's a very reputable dyno

Starcream.... wake up.


New Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Texas
AJ'S 88NA said:
Higher compression along with a lot of other things. I have 10.5 to 1 compression with a lot more mods and on a rebuilt motor. Couldn't get those nos.
He must have more mods(a lot more) than he has listed. Or a shot of NOS or dyno operator error. Read the post at the bottom of this page about dynos.
I think the guy in Louisville was Fuzz and he stated the picticulars of his dyno run. Check the posts, he had his dyno sheet posted and I had mine posted. Like I said I had mine tuned with a Apexi II and Green dosen't list any tuning tool but FP. The Dyno sheet is there to prove it. 150-160 rwhp for a stock GE is the norm. Show me another dyno sheet with just those mods or close to it with 200 hp just dosen't add up.
He said he's running 13.5 AFR same as mine which is on my dyno sht.

Hey bud, about dynos, they should only be used for tuning purposes, a dyno at facility A is completely different from a dyno at facility B, elevation plays part, also temp, humid, all that good stuff, its just a random number, I hate dyno whores, that number means nothing, its supposed to be for tuning, not "heres my number!". I hope more people understand.


New Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Texas
dude, some dyno operators are a joke and even hokey, all the data and numbers can be manipulated at will via computer. What does that mean, even two matching dynos could have completely different numbers purely based on the software used... makes you kinda wonder.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Also, bear in mind. No two car's engines/tunes, are the same. One engine with intake and exhaust etc. can make significantly less HP than another engine of the same make with the same exact mods.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
buldozr said:
Hey bud, about dynos, they should only be used for tuning purposes, a dyno at facility A is completely different from a dyno at facility B, elevation plays part, also temp, humid, all that good stuff, its just a random number, I hate dyno whores, that number means nothing, its supposed to be for tuning, not "heres my number!". I hope more people understand.

True enough, but threre are a couple more people than AJ across the US who've posted similar numbers 200RWHP with a stroked 7M... so even given the fact that dyno's are not good for comparisons, unless both cars are run on the same dyno one right after the other I'm still I'm still not buying it.

I'm not trying to say that Green's a liar or that he's completely full of shit... Just pointing out that something's not right.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
starscream5000 said:
Also, bear in mind. No two car's engines/tunes, are the same. One engine with intake and exhaust etc. can make significantly less HP than another engine of the same make with the same exact mods.

Not over 20% more.


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
Wow dude realax
I don't understand why you have to twist my words around

You wanted mods i listed them, I never said that clutch will add hp
i never "recommend" pulling fuel to anyone, i nearly sugested as all n/a run super rich + that's why i asked for his a/f ratios

as for injectors/coil pack, what are you refuring to?
the solenoid resistor on the l/h side?
the car came with high impedance inj and that is what is has now what is the problem?

CRE said:
Excellent, then let's get back to what the couple people in this thread who've also done a "shit load" of work on their cars keep on asking you..... "WHAT OTHER MODS?" You haven't listed one that'll give you that much more power over stock. A CLUTCH? WTF? Who cares.... they don't make ANY power. Hell they don't even free up power, they simply get you to the top quicker. Ignition coil? Sure, you can get perhaps another 10.... not upward of 60! The coil pack? 89+ injectors are high impedance, if you've got the green capped injectors remove the coil pack, it's just wasted in there and besides, if it's connected to the injectors they won't even spray!

Then you recommend that people start pulling fuel!? (The fact that you'd even say that without making DAMNED sure that anyone else who reads the post understands the possible ramifications really pisses me off.) You apparently have a godlike amount of knowledge of these car and as such you already know that you're on the threshold of the stock injector's ability to actually produce a decent spray pattern. When it comes to low pressure these injectors like to drool, not spray. And what does it matter if you've got high or low impedance injectors in the N/A? With the amount or fuel you're flowing you could run 250's.

Post up some factual data, timing maps, AFR logs, and whatever other mods you've done and I'll be behind you 100%... until then you're not coming off as even remotely creditable and I don't give a rats ass who your boss is or if the dyno guy is his best friend.... actually, it gives me even more reason to believe they padded the test for the benefit or your ego! Hell, to put down 200HP to the wheels I'm pretty sure your volumetric efficiency would have to be pretty well beyond 100%.... on a N/A 7M, not unless you've got a stroke like Derk Diggler and a bore like Brittany. ;)

NEWSFLASH!!!! Reputable does NOT equal accurate!

Starcream.... wake up.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Look, I'm not TRYING to be an asshole.... I'm just good at it. It's a gift.

The resistor pack above the driver's side strut mount is used for the the low impedance injectors used in pre89 N/As and ALL turbo models. The 89 and newer injectors were specified to flow a TINY bit more fuel and were high impedance eliminating that resistor.

I'm not trying to distort your words or make you out to be a liar. I just wanted to know what else had been done to the engine. From what you've posted it's really not much beyond stock and those numbers don't add up. So either the dyno's way off, or you've done a lot more than listed. Just trying to sort it all out, same goes for the other naysayers who've posted in this thread.

I know very well how easy it is to add a favorable bump to dyno results and how much one dyno will vary from the next. A lot of the readers here either have NO idea, or they're being frighteningly optimistic. I'm just trying to make sure that the more hopeful (and possibly gullible) members here are presented with a more realistic view.


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
You can check the manual that >87 use that resistor for high impendance inj

gift or not but you yourself are not being very helpfull

I think I'll just wait for track reasults for now

CRE said:
Look, I'm not TRYING to be an asshole.... I'm just good at it. It's a gift.

The resistor pack above the driver's side strut mount is used for the the low impedance injectors used in pre89 N/As and ALL turbo models. The 89 and newer injectors were specified to flow a TINY bit more fuel and were high impedance eliminating that resistor.

I'm not trying to distort your words or make you out to be a liar. I just wanted to know what else had been done to the engine. From what you've posted it's really not much beyond stock and those numbers don't add up. So either the dyno's way off, or you've done a lot more than listed. Just trying to sort it all out, same goes for the other naysayers who've posted in this thread.

I know very well how easy it is to add a favorable bump to dyno results and how much one dyno will vary from the next. A lot of the readers here either have NO idea, or they're being frighteningly optimistic. I'm just trying to make sure that the more hopeful (and possibly gullible) members here are presented with a more realistic view.
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l33t M0derat0r (On some other forum) n00blet here
Apr 1, 2005
Toronto/SF Bay area
so much drama, its a great dyno for a NA car, huge power for a na car infact accept it... seriously.. now what you need is a 200 shot to blow all the rest of the other turbo cars that break down daily out of the water.


Supramania Contributor
Feb 26, 2006
I'm starting to see little reason to keep this thread open, but I'll still keep it open. If the thread is closed, don't be surprised ;/


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
buldozr said:
Hey bud, about dynos, they should only be used for tuning purposes, a dyno at facility A is completely different from a dyno at facility B, elevation plays part, also temp, humid, all that good stuff, its just a random number, I hate dyno whores, that number means nothing, its supposed to be for tuning, not "heres my number!". I hope more people understand.
I know that. That's why I'll take mine back to the same dyno to same guy so I can see any difference I've made with mods. At least it will show me somewhat close the difference. The thread at the bottom of this page tells about the difference and inaccuracy that is possible.
Almost everybody seems to be missing the point here. The point is we have questioned the accuracy of Greens dyno run due to the mods he has listed. Not that he has lied about anything, but because of existing info that it just didn't add up. I'd be proud to rebuild a 7MGE with just that many mods to lay down nos. like those. Possible? Maybe but the existing info points otherwise.
Green has stated that other guys think that the numbers from that dyno are high. It's existing info that has stated that the dyno's are not accurate from one to the other, nor read the same brand to brand.
It seems everybody has taken a stand one way or the other on this matter..
I vote to lock it.
By the way 89+NA's were the only 7M MKIII to run high impedance injectors, which means the resistor pack was no longer used FYI
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New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Zazzn said:
so much drama, its a great dyno for a NA car, huge power for a na car infact accept it... seriously.. now what you need is a 200 shot to blow all the rest of the other turbo cars that break down daily out of the water.
I agree for a na. Accept it, don't think so. 200 shot yeah he might blow off some turbos along with his motor soon after without somesort of way to tune the AFR.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
I couldn't bring myself to read the last couple of pages of this thread because it's becoming redundant.

200 hp out of a twin cam 3 litre 6cyl is not outrageous at all. Get it breathing and a good tune and you're there.

Jesus, you'd think this guy was claiming 500 hp the way people are reacting.

Totally believable, no BFD.