Excellent, then let's get back to what the couple people in this thread who've also done a "shit load" of work on their cars keep on asking you..... "WHAT OTHER MODS?" You haven't listed one that'll give you that much more power over stock. A CLUTCH? WTF? Who cares.... they don't make ANY power. Hell they don't even free up power, they simply get you to the top quicker. Ignition coil? Sure, you can get perhaps another 10.... not upward of 60! The coil pack? 89+ injectors are high impedance, if you've got the green capped injectors remove the coil pack, it's just wasted in there and besides, if it's connected to the injectors they won't even spray!
Then you recommend that people start pulling fuel!? (The fact that you'd even say that without making DAMNED sure that anyone else who reads the post understands the possible ramifications really pisses me off.) You apparently have a godlike amount of knowledge of these car and as such you already know that you're on the threshold of the stock injector's ability to actually produce a decent spray pattern. When it comes to low pressure these injectors like to drool, not spray. And what does it matter if you've got high or low impedance injectors in the N/A? With the amount or fuel you're flowing you could run 250's.
Post up some factual data, timing maps, AFR logs, and whatever other mods you've done and I'll be behind you 100%... until then you're not coming off as even remotely creditable and I don't give a rats ass who your boss is or if the dyno guy is his best friend.... actually, it gives me even more reason to believe they padded the test for the benefit or your ego! Hell, to put down 200HP to the wheels I'm pretty sure your volumetric efficiency would have to be pretty well beyond 100%.... on a N/A 7M, not unless you've got a stroke like Derk Diggler and a bore like Brittany.
NEWSFLASH!!!! Reputable does NOT equal accurate!
Starcream.... wake up.