My Impressions of the MAFTPRO so far...


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
Justin727 said:
steve had a clogged fuel pump sock. He changed fuel pump and fuel filter and problem was fixed!
well thanks for the reply. but it seems strange that all the issues he was having had to do with a clogged fuel pump sock.. but i could be wrong. i really wish he would chime in and reply himself. no offense..:icon_razz


T-virus infected
none at all. He posted about it a while back with pics. I was on and off the phone with him alot of the time as well. His internet is down and I dunno how long it will be before he gets it back up. Lets just say the sock was brown. lol it was clogged that bad and when he tried to manually run the pump it was making all sorts of noise. So I told him to get 5 gal of gas swoosh it around the tank and turn the tank upside down. He replaced the fp w/ sock and fuel filter. He wasnt getting fp at his aeromotive fpr and we talked about his lines or filters were clogged. He went outside dropped the tank and saw the nastyness. I'll try and find his thread.


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
Ok.. Well I have something simular with my car. Fuel pressure is fine and it would run lean as hell at warm idle. I have dual walbros with dual feed and filters. But something interesting is that when I took my head off a few weeks ago I noticed the egr cooler plate bolts weren't all tight and the was gook coming out of that plate onto the top of the tranny housing. I wonder if my lean airfuel at idle was because of that.


Ex-Supra Owner
Sep 18, 2005
atlpd3147 said:
well thanks for the reply. but it seems strange that all the issues he was having had to do with a clogged fuel pump sock.. but i could be wrong. i really wish he would chime in and reply himself. no offense..:icon_razz

The issues I was having had NOTHING to do with the MAFTPRO. :) It was due to a defective walbro fuel pump. Take care

- Steve

Thanks for clarifying Justin. +1


Ex-Supra Owner
Sep 18, 2005
Quick update. I have about 250 miles on the motor now, and the maftpro has worked great. The afr tracking has worked flawlessly! My a/f's never leave 11.5-11.6 a/f under wot with my rich max set at 11.0 and lean max at 11.5. I can honestly say that maftpro was the best single purchase Ive ever made for my supra. :bigthumb:


New Member
Aug 15, 2005
Near Detroit
Wow, high praise indeed.

There is a new instruction manual posted on fullthrottle, check it out. It should make things a bit clearer. Any feedback is appreciated.

The rich limit and lean limit are %, not AFR. so you have yours adjusted for +/- 11% correction (roughly). So the Pro will add up to 11 % extra MAF signal, or remove up to 11% from its tune. A reasonable place to start, you may want to set the lean limit closer to 5% to limit how far the pro can lean out if the wideband sensor has a problem.

Great news,



Ex-Supra Owner
Sep 18, 2005
turbobob said:
Wow, high praise indeed.

There is a new instruction manual posted on fullthrottle, check it out. It should make things a bit clearer. Any feedback is appreciated.

The rich limit and lean limit are %, not AFR. so you have yours adjusted for +/- 11% correction (roughly). So the Pro will add up to 11 % extra MAF signal, or remove up to 11% from its tune. A reasonable place to start, you may want to set the lean limit closer to 5% to limit how far the pro can lean out if the wideband sensor has a problem.

Great news,


Awesome, thanks for clarifying that for me Bob. :icon_bigg

btw these runs were at 15 psi. The wideband I am using is a PLX M-300

I wish I had a laptop so I could get some datalogging done and screen shots posted.

- Steve