I got my first laptop back in about 1998 or so...it was a very slow IBM laptop with the keyboard that slid and expanded out to a full size board. It was used, and I didn't pay anything for it, instead trading it for a Powerdyne BD11 centrifugal supercharger that I'd gotten for the 5.0 LX I had at the time. The BD11 that didn't make anywhere NEAR enough power thatfor what I wanted, even with the 9 pound pulley, so I was glad to be rid of that blower. Even with a small shot of nitrous combined with the boost from the blower, it still wasn’t enough for me…
My next laptop, which I purchased in either '01 or early '02 was a Toshiba 1405-S151 comp running XP, 256K of ram, and an Idunnohowmany megabyte HD. I've never had a problem with that comp., most likely due to the fact that I pretty much redefine the term "retentive" when it comes to general maintenance with regard to my comps. Good thing too, as I need that one to run my slide scanner for my business (my scanner is a Minolta 5400 II scanner, which has no software support for Vista, due to Sony buying out Minolta several years ago). However, the friction lock that holds the screen up went years ago, so no matter how “redneck” it might look, I hold the screen in place when the screen is flipped up with duct tape…
Other than that, my "workhorse laptop" is an Acer 5720-8514, with an Intel core 2 processer system, 250GB HD, and 3GB of ram. That one runs Vista, so I can't use it for the slide scanner, but it's MUCH faster for things like Photoshop editing. Besides, it provides faster upload speeds from my DSLR to the hard drive...