My DUI victim 1990 Turbo.


New Member
May 31, 2010
ruskin, fl
As the title stated, This is the story of a 1990 Supra Turbo that had been crashed by its owner while drinking and driving. One day while looking for a daily beater on CL I stumble into this ad of "1989'' Supra Turbo that had been in an accident so i decided to check it out. When i get to the PO's house I see this Supra begging for help. The car looked liked and IED went off on the front pass side (Due to having an iFail I lost the pics that I took the night that i got her home). So I begin to think that i wasted my time by driving an hour to look at it. As i started walking back to my car my GF tells me to turn around and to at least look more thoroughly, so I comply. So as I begin to walk closer I caught a glimpse of the interior which was minty clean. So I decide to talk to the owner. After a quick chat, she hands me the keys and told me to open it. I do and to my surprise the interior was even better than i though it even smelled good (no leak smell lol). So i decided to start it up, but as I expected the Batt was dead. I went to my truck got a quart of oil put it in her (that what she said) and cranked her up with the efi fuse out to prime the oil and she then started on the first try. Again at this point my hopes when up one point, but after it fired up I bet my gf 10 that the car had a BHG. after :30 mins of idling no signs of BHG, and another point goes up lol. So I decided to take her out for a drive and man did she drive good aside from the rattling of the fender and bumper flapping in the wind. So at this point I saw somepotential in and after haglling the price to $900 she was all mine!! Even with her injured faced, blown shocks and dry rotted tires she made it all the back home which was a :45 - to an hour away. Everyone on the road looked at me like i was an idiot from diving such a POS. So a day goes by with my friend the sawzall In hand I went to townto try to take off that fender. After parts started to come off I started second guessing my purchase. I really did not like what i saw and i started giving up because finding parts for this car is such a hassle. My gf (which loves mk3) told me not to sell/ part her out to giver her a chance, So for the first time I decided to listen to her. So after a week i decided to give her a light tune up (which consisted of a HG job the proper way, cleaning everything and replacing every part that was worn I decided to fix her up. So after wasting hours trying to source parts and getting denied by body shops left and right. Shes finally looking better. I had gathered most of the parts that I needed and decided to drop it off to this fella to change my rad support (which was all bent to hell) what a big mistake. He tried to pull it instead of fixing which as you can guess, it ended up looking like shit, gaps everywhere and the mounting holes for the headlight were o far off that the hood wouldnt even close. I got her out of there and found this other shop through a friend, they wanted an arm and a leg to fix it right but after of sleepless night stressing out about the quote, I decided to go ahead and pay it. Well out of pure luck the money was def well spent...

This what she looked like with the fender off.


^Notice the leaves from sitting for almost 2 years.


The pass side foglight was completely destroyed


Notice the readiator support.


Found these little guys all over the car.

After HG changed oil pump and relocation (after 30 mins of driving)


That was after the guy tried to "fix it" Sorry for the 300zx wheels Im in the process of polishing my sawblades.


Note the misaligned hood, fender, wrong header panel and the lack of headlight. Damn me for not doing my reaseach on body shops.


New Member
May 31, 2010
ruskin, fl
Fast forward o today, the body shop call me to look at the car because they body was done. When i got there Ihave to say i was surprised to see such a good repair, I was expeting to see discrepancies such as gaps and hood alignment, but not everything was within spec. Now they are prepping the car for paint. I cant wait to see the finished product. Im going to go with porsche seal grey metallic paint so hopefully she come out good.


I still need to put the bumper back on, but everything aligns perfectly


Fender/door gap might need a light tweaking but Im happy


Getting ready for paint prep.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
Very good. That is a rare color you have. Why not keep it original? It is your car so you should make it YOURS. I am just asking why you are not keeping the original color, In I am not trying to be negative here.

If you are wondering why I went into detail to show that I was not being negative, it is because some members get offended very easily.

What are your plans for the car? Build 7M? 1JZ or 2JZ? Track? Road coarse?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I also like that you saved a Supra from the scrap heap.
The meteor grey is a rare color? I though it was rather common.
Don't get me wrong- It's my favorite color!

ps- Don't forget to swap out that passenger molding for the proper one.


New Member
May 31, 2010
ruskin, fl
IBoughtASupra;1815572 said:
Very good. That is a rare color you have. Why not keep it original? It is your car so you should make it YOURS. I am just asking why you are not keeping the original color, In I am not trying to be negative here.

If you are wondering why I went into detail to show that I was not being negative, it is because some members get offended very easily.

What are your plans for the car? Build 7M? 1JZ or 2JZ? Track? Road coarse?

Fire away I dont mind some criticism.The color is quite common in my area, there are 3 around here. Im might just end up painting it the OEM color we'll see... Its going prolly going to end up as a bolt on car and 7m all the way. When i did the "tune up" I did a MHG, decked head and block, DM oil pump with relocation and arp head bolts and rod bolts. My 89 is/was the drag/street car.




kotu100;1815578 said:
Thanks for saving another supra!!!
Can't wait to see it with the new paint, should look sharp.


supraguy@aol;1815581 said:
I also like that you saved a Supra from the scrap heap.
The meteor grey is a rare color? I though it was rather common.
Don't get me wrong- It's my favorite color!

ps- Don't forget to swap out that passenger molding for the proper one.

I have a full 89+ moulding waiting to be put on.

gtsfirefighter;1815590 said:
Nice find! Keep it the original color, but that's just my opinion. Where are the pics of this "minty interior"????

I had em all in my iphone but they all got deleted :( ill snap new ones when I stop by the shop.


New Member
May 31, 2010
ruskin, fl
Kai;1815849 said:
The front fender apron looks buckled at the rear in the first picture - is this the case?

Yes it was, it needed some minor tweaking to get it up to spec. The car had a strut bar so i think that kinda helped it out a bit, It wasnt cheap to fix it right :/.


New Member
May 23, 2011
Can you tell me how much they charged you to replace the radiator support? im asking cause i might have to do it to mines cause the hood and bumper don't align correctly...btw it coming along very nice.