My dog died last night

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
My big black lab was found dead last night in my parents back yard. (Had to keep him there, he was really the family dog but I was the one who paid most attention to him and I was his favorite)

Anyways, mom came home from work and he managed to get all tangled up in a rope and got the rope tangled up around a bicycle where he was chewing and eating the foam seat. She thinks he panicked and strangled himself, but I think he choked on a piece of the seat or something. He wasn't wearing a choker chain, just a regular collar. Further, I don't think he could have pulled that hard for that long to actually strangle himself.

Mom said she called him and got no response. She went out back and saw him lying there. Called him again. Still nothing. She went over and poked at him and such, still nothing. Then she realized he wasn't breathing...

Don't know WTF he was doing or how he did it, but he is gone.

I love that dog. :sob sob:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
SRRY to here that man, i have been through 6 dogs, 3 german shepards all lived to be 13+ years old, 2 chocholate labs loved the water we live couple hundred yards from a creek/river, a mixxed hound he is the money pit, and a worrior he was tore apart from the left hind leg all the way to the neck by a pit, guts everywhere, i was 11 and payed all the money from my B-day i got, to save his ass. well 3 years later he was bit in the neck and payed somemore to save him again, 3rd times a charm he was hit by a car(we live in the country, 400+ acres he runs around on), and childern play on this road, some lady was doing like 60 in a 15, hits him in the back hind legs, paralized him he was 16+ when he died. i loved that dog man, i know how u feel. my regards go to you, cause losing a good dog is like losing a brother.


sorry to hear bro.. sucks to loose a part of your family.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
lanky189 said:
sorry to hear bro.. sucks to loose a part of your family.

I also lost 2 dogs by now, the first one, a German Shepherd, was always by my side since my birth, he had to be put down at the age of 15 when I was 13. The other dog died a few years ago at the age of 9 from a thrombosis, 2 days after a 3-hour emergency surgery because a blood vessel bursted while the vet was palpating a cancer. She just dropped dead on the balcony in the middle of the night. When I carried her into the house, the radio played "I'm alive" by Celine Dion. Life sucks.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Yea man sorry to hear that. I've seen 2 of my family's dogs die. One when I was 9 he was a Golden Retriever, and one crazy freakin' mutt we bought for 50 bucks for my brothers b-day. She would always put her chin on your elbow when you were eating and try to pull your fork-hand down and then jump up and snatch your food. I can seriously not imagine living in a house with no dog. Hopefully you'll find another soon. Theres nothing like a new puppy to help heal your loss.


Achieving Balance...
Mar 30, 2005
That sucks... I love labs, just so full of life. My collie died a couple years back, he just degenerated to where he needed to be put to sleep :( Like it's been said, there's nothing like another new puppy to heal things over.



New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
I'm sorry to hear about you dog.

I've lots two family dogs and it was really hard. And now I have my own dog and I'd be crushed if I lost him.


btw- I LOVE labs, my pup right now is a chocolate lab. Great pets.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
thats rough, i'm sorry to hear that bro. :( my dog had to be put to sleep several years ago. she was a huskie/malamute mix. (snow dogs) big and fluffy, full of life, obediant, and cuddly.

she got cancer of the lymphnodes (glands) and eventually had to be put to sleep, and it happened to be a day that it was pouring rain, i was 13, my bro was 15, and we had to dig the hole to bury her. in the rain. it was relatively traumatic for a 13 year old. it still makes me sad to this day...

keep your head up.



been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
i'm just thinking an nat and i'n not jacking your thread, nut just sitting here drunk and pondering over about it,
how come ?

when your dog need surgury or something it only costs a few hundred dollars or something for example ,,, where as something similar for a human costs thousands and thousands ????

not to say it s the same operation, or your dog is more important, but its just now comming to me now ,, why is a hospital doctor charge so much more then the vett doc ? my lab means alot to me and I would foot the bill if it ment my dog would live and be in good health .....
I'm just trying to put into perspective.

sorry, i'm drunk and need to go to bed... ,, sorry if it sounds retarded..



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
willfish said:
i'm just thinking an nat and i'n not jacking your thread, nut just sitting here drunk and pondering over about it,
how come ?

when your dog need surgury or something it only costs a few hundred dollars or something for example ,,, where as something similar for a human costs thousands and thousands ????

not to say it s the same operation, or your dog is more important, but its just now comming to me now ,, why is a hospital doctor charge so much more then the vett doc ? my lab means alot to me and I would foot the bill if it ment my dog would live and be in good health .....
I'm just trying to put into perspective.

sorry, i'm drunk and need to go to bed... ,, sorry if it sounds retarded..


all boils down to insurance, dog dies big deal to them, we are sorry he didnt make it, human dies "o $hit".

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
I guess what makes this hard is that he was only 6 years old and he managed to tangle himself up so bad, that we beleive he strangled himself...

Its been about three days and I am still sad and moping around.