Came home to shower and change. here are a couple of pics. I have over 100 photos but no time to deal with them all. Picked a couple to send to friends and families... and Uncles (Jose).
She's definitely a big baby. Look at those cheeks! That's my son Donovan holding her. (He's 5).
emission;888330 said:
can't wait to see the pics, is she gonna ride home in the Supra when they are okay to go home?
Supra's too low for Mom to ride home in. And lack of back seat makes it no bueno for car seats. Trust me, when Donovan was a baby it was hard.
soapra;888456 said:
So I'm an uncle now? congrats.
Yep. If she breaks down, I'll call you for parts. Seriously Jose, she's awesome. I'm gonna get her a little onesie with the Supra outline embroidered on it.
tlo86;888516 said:
everyone says this and its just untrue, at least in my case. once my son started walking it became a million times easier to take care of him hehe. and it should be even easier once he starts talking since i cant decipher what his grunts mean yet...
I agree. I like em better when they can actually do something, and tell you what they want/need.
Shadow;888940 said:
Congratulations Jag!!! Seems like a few of you guys were getting busy around the same time frame.:naughty:
I like the name. Good choice. What is the middle name tough? I think Naomi Supra Rose or Naomi 1JZ Rose would be great!!! :sarcasm:
Obviously joking here.
It's Naomi Rose Seraiah Dickens. Two middle names FTL but Seraiah is a beautiful Biblical (Hebrew) name that we both liked. Rose is after my cousin that died a few years back. She was hit by a car walking my younger cousins to school.