My car tried to kill me tonight. Stranded in Maryland. (main power wire disconnected)


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
So if you've watched the weather AT ALL in the US, you'd know about this 'huge' storm passing through the northeast. Well I'm in the middle of it attempting to get home tonight. We tried to beat it. It beat us, so now my gf and i are stuck in Maryland in a comfort inn. I lost control a few times attempting to go through the mountains so it was time to stop :aigo:. I actually had to leave my car 3 mile markers back and get to a hotel in my gf's car since hers is FWD.

ANYWAY, so I was driving in these horrid conditions (only b/c I was trying to make my nephews first B-day) when my car suddenly lost all power?! :aigo:

I don't know how I would of survived had it not turn on approx 1-2 seconds later because I already started to lose control on the icy, snowy, covered mountain roads.

What would cause this? Would a loose battery terminal cause this? Its scary enough nearly getting rear ended by a semi tonight and losing control on a highway let alone my car completely turning off while im driving :aigo::aigo:

Ill probably be stuck here another day or two so I have a bit to figure this out to prevent it again. Also, I've noticed occasionally in the past where my radio and dash lights would randomly turn off and on while driving but NEVER the actual car. I only ever noticed it because my radio beeps when the car turns off/it loses power.
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WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
Zumtizzle;1473851 said:
the small power wire going to the fuse box. lose that and the car dies.

You mean the one in the engine bay normally connected to the positive terminal of the battery? IIRC its white 10-12 gauge or so?

Heavy D

New Member
Jun 3, 2009
worcester, ma
wow hope you get that fixed soon, i cant wait to start snow here in MA, but yea that main cable on the fuse block is the one that shuts it down, i had it happen to me like 3 times on my DD and once on my supra N/A


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
There is a reason most of you snow people store the Supra during the winter! You could have beaten the storm getting there, had you been a little luckier, but you would have still needed to get home.

Were you and the GF in 2 separate cars from the start?


addicted to boost...
Aug 26, 2009
Oldbridge Nj
yup my mk3s buried i was sleeping and woke up i cant even see my car being that its white with white rims lol pretty tempted to go to the end of my development and fool around tho :evil2:


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
Sinful7m;1474196 said:
yup my mk3s buried i was sleeping and woke up i cant even see my car being that its white with white rims lol pretty tempted to go to the end of my development and fool around tho :evil2:

Go for it lol I'll record :p



WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
ForcedTorque;1473930 said:
There is a reason most of you snow people store the Supra during the winter! You could have beaten the storm getting there, had you been a little luckier, but you would have still needed to get home.

Were you and the GF in 2 separate cars from the start?

Well she is heading back to her parents house for the rest of her winter break after christmas and ill be staying at home.

StrikeIS;1474042 said:
Im here in VA and this snow is just to much.

probably about 20" here, started clearing up this evening though so I should be good to go tom morning

jugodegolf;1474046 said:
Hope you guys stay safe! Loose wires:3d_frown:

Thanks, and yea....loose wires suck. Ill definitely be looking into this before i leave tom morning.

D7MSupra;1474117 said:
i had to leave mine at a sheetz gas station.... whoa is me.. hope she safe n sound.:aigo:

doubt many people will be out and about to go steal a RWD supra in 2 feet of snow lol


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
vancouver, wa
wiggle the cps wiring see if it starts up, its a common problem, you lose the ground and the car dies, happened to me today lol gonna fix it soon with a new four wire connecter


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
I feel you on the shitty snow situation. Its probably not as bad here in ohio as it is there, but i was at a party friday night when it started snowing like crazy. My normal like 10 minutes drive home took nearly 40 minutes because i wasnt going faster than 20 in second gear. If i tapped the gas it just threw my car sideways.


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
make sure your ignitor is bolted down tight, my car axel tramped and did the same thing because i forgot to torque the bolts on the ignitor (they were finger tight, it used for a ground)


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
Believe it or not, I checked the white(?) wire. COMPLETELY disconnected....and LIVE!

It just so happened to rest on a rubber hose, preventing yet a second electrical fire....

Another amazing thing is that it kept running?! Is that possible?