After my car heats up to normal operating temperature it starts to smell like burning oil. However, my car does not burn oil. Everytime i check it is full, it did have a leak in the valve cover gasket but i changed out both.
I'm wondering if this smell can be from the excessive caked up oil/coolant/grease/whatever thats been collecting over the years, and if a good power-washing would help. Or is there another option to power-washing that wont require me to cover inlets and remove vacuum lines?
I really don't mind the smell but it gives other people headaches.
I'm wondering if this smell can be from the excessive caked up oil/coolant/grease/whatever thats been collecting over the years, and if a good power-washing would help. Or is there another option to power-washing that wont require me to cover inlets and remove vacuum lines?
I really don't mind the smell but it gives other people headaches.