Well, I first mounted it between the IC and radiator. The car was then running alittle bit on the hot side and GrimJack pointed this out even before I drove the car.
Don't call me a douche but I would change one thing on your car and that is the wheels. For some reason, I think a set of HRE or CCW would suit your car very well.
I shaved off my rear wiper, antenna, and front badge and I thought I was the shit till I read this lol! Your body man has crazy talent!!! Looks one of a kind!
I havnt driven as much as I had hoped this summer but it is still in one piece
I have passed the inspection and will soon start putting in my race engine
Havn't done anything on the car but I have done other things, bought myself a house with a big garage. The house was fine but the garage needed some love so now I am making my dream garage.
@Grandavi: Thanks! Well the door molding almost had to go. When widening the rear and doors so much, none of the OEM moldings fit anymore. Me myself I dont really like the moldings
@Albert: Thanks!
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