And an email telling me the status on the car.
Hi Ryan,
Just wanted to bring you up to date. As of this evening, we have;
1. MAP sensor (100% functional)
2. Coolant sensor (100% functional)
3. Inlet Air Temp sensor (100% functional)
4. Throttle sensor (performs like an on/off switch – obviously this is not correct)
5. Crank sensor / Cam sensor (100% functional)
a. Verified by cranking and “stat sync’d” occurs
b. Solid RPM while cranking
6. Fuel Pump (100% functional)
7. Fuel Injectors - visually injectors 1-6 appear to be leading to the correct pin-outs
a. Need to verify 12v at each connector clip
b. Need to verify injector phasing per injector

8. Ignition system – this is the only major unknown at this point
a. We attempted to pulse an inductive light from both the number 1 and 2 coils, but no dice
b. I have not checked the coil wiring nor the igniter wiring yet but they were probably not done correctly
c. Need to verify coil phasing

9. Other / Misc
a. Idle control valve (this may or may not work properly, just depends on whether or not yours is a PWM type valve or not)
b. Alternator control (if needed)
c. Tach signal (should be ok, probably pulled from the igniter or 12v common to the coils)
d. Knock Sensor(s)
Some other observations - I have come across many wires now that were incorrectly pinned. This is without doubt the initial issues your EMS had with a bad capacitor. In fact, today I found a wire for the TPS going to a pin named “crank fluctuation” on the 6050 box lol. Anyway, the igniter wiring and coils should be fun. If we could do this over again, I would insist on a replacement engine harness to start
Lastly, I am sending over the map to both of my support contacts at AEM so they can verify that our so we can verify that the coil and injector phasing are correct.
Todd Marcellini
Managing Partner / Tuner
So that's all the news I have as of now. I'll be stopping by Tuesday to say hello, and check on things. I'll come back with lots of pictures.