Some updates for y'all;
My 12mm XZD Spline Socket arrived (1/2" drive), and i proceeded to crack the bolts off, it makes sense now i've used it - they don't slip off and would be near impossible to round off.
Both Manifolds are off, the cylinder head is in my sink, and my hands ache.
Seriously the two 5/6mm allen bolts that hold the injector wiring to the head are stuck in there SOOOOO tight, that they may have to be drilled out. I'll have another go with the dremel a screwdriver and the 19mm spanner, see if i can get enough torque on it to turn it.
I'm also going to need to have an exhaust stud drilled out, it had snapped long ago, in a galaxy far far away....
Well, the cylinder head ended up in my sink, being scrubbed with oven cleaner, and thinners....and petrol....and acetone....and washing powder (on the exterior) and seems to have come up nicely. Only need to do the valves (need my valve spring compressor back from Halfords).
The camshaft also got a good scrub with oven cleaner and a toothbrush (its not caustic).
The throttle body also FINALLY came off, after belting a Torx bit into the rounded bolt head with a lump hammer. Both butterflies are out and nice and clean, the rest is being slowly stripped down and toothbrushed & oven cleanered
The head has been cleaned to the best of my toothbrush and oven cleaner abilities, its not perfect, but 10 times better than it was. The valves have been lapped, although the faces of the exhaust valves are still caked up, i'll try and have a go at those when i get back from Holiday. The cam bearing caps are all nice and clean, the cam has had the varnish removed and the tappets, as seen earlier, were rebuilt.
Got a new intake manifold for it instead, as i wasn't happy with the job i did on the throttle body, and it cost me less than a new set of throttle switches. It's been cleaned and primed, ready for a powdercoat, and came with a set of throttle switches that should cure the idle problem, which is all i ever wanted to fix in the first place!
It's by no means a 'pro' job, simply because it doesn't need to be anything more than a simple top end rebuild with new gaskets and a bit of a scrub up - it needs to just 'run' - doesn't need to be a firebreathing monster, i have two of those already