OK, have time to post up a few more pics.
The piece I cut out of the radiator support I got another piece from another cab, cutting it a couple of inches wider on each side, I did this so I could bolt it so if I had to remove the motor again (which I do now) it would make it easier
I also plan to move the oil cooler behind the winch bar
Gotta love Toyota, a power steering box from a 90's model hilux bolted into the same position as my 1980 one, just the shaft was a bit longer, luckily there was enough spline in my steering shaft to move it to accomodate it
I removed the power steering fluid resivoir from the side of the block and searched the wreckers, coming up with a resivoir from a Holden Commodore and a bracket from a Toyota Camry which was the right angle for my needs
As you can see the p/s resivoir behind the radiator resivoir
I had to get a fitting tig welded because of the p/s pump and steering box being so close, but apart form that it works really well, and you can tell when the belt has spit off, makes a huge difference.
On a side note, the early Hiluxs have a hump in the center behind the seats, wanted more room behind the seats for guns without bending the barrels on the hump, not overly noticible in the first picture but at the bottom it stuck out maybe 3 inches and tappered up flush
So out came the grinder
I didn't get as many shots of this but basically turned out well, looks alot better in paint and once cleaned up properly
A picture of the gearbox mount we made up
Another thing was that I wanted rear disc brakes, which weren't a factory option for hardly any Hiluxs, so I came across a guy who did a bracket for the conversion which utilizes GQ patrol rear discs and Subaru Brumby front calipers, the early Brumbies has a hand brake cable on the front. I also got a master cylinder and brake booster from a 1994 Hilux 2wd which fit in, just had to change the spacer, but it's a 1' bore which should be ample to power the brakes. I haven't gotten around to installing them yet though.
I ended up using Supra seats from the donor car and fitted them, the drivers seat is electric and I think I may pull them out and put in something a little more practical
Now for the fun part, with the tunnel pushed back around 70 mm things had to made to accomodate, I have a couple of pictures.
I found a hilux same year with factory aircon so I pulled everything from it. It was an absoloute nightmare trying to get shit to line up with the tunnel so far back over standard. A mate of mine, Mark, helped me heaps with this, making it all fit and alot of the wiring. A guy in Queensland did the wiring loom for the motor, Killa Kustom Kables, he was awsome. The loom was great, seperate fuses and realys added for the fuel pump etc.
I cut and modified the copper pipes brought them close to the unit themselves, wrapped them in heatwrap I that was on the donor car exhaust because it was butted right up against the firewall.
Also cut holes in the firewall to accomodate the aircon box
Now the fun stuff, the body was finally in primer and rubbed back ready to go
As I said, the back came up good after cleaned up and primed
And that's all I can be bothered posting for now, still a fair few more to come hopefully over the weekend.
Oh and here is the second or third start up after new plugs etc, I know the is no radiator hooked up, I was that anxious to get it started after so long of building it, and it was before I cleaned everything up a bit