Mudding with my '94 toyota pickup. with pics!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
so a few days ago at around 1:30am, i got a call on my cell phone. i had to be at work in the morning at 7am, but i answered it anyway. (wasn't sleeping yet)

it's my friend, who has a '91 toyota 4x4, v6, and 31" tires. nothing else done to it. as the story goes, he went mudding and got stuck. i already had a chain in the back of my truck, so i just drove over to where he was (only 15min away) and pulled him out. (with my '94- i love this thing)

a few days later, my friend is pissed that the mud pit conquored him, so myself, him, and another friend went back to it to mess around a bit.

a bit of background on the location- it's a pretty simple layout. there's some blacktop, then 10-15 feet of wet slimy grass, then a 2 foot very steep hill, into the mud pit (which is about 8-9" deep easily), then it's a slow but steady incline into a field. the mud is very, very sticky, and swamp like. there's lots of grass particles and swamp-like grass groing in the bottom of it. the total length of the pit drop off to the feild is about 15 feet or so.

my friend rich went first, (with the '91 toyota, 31" tires, v6, auto-locking hubs, who origionally got stuck). he went barreling into this pit in second gear, got bogged down, and buried it up to the axles. i pulled him out, and he tried again. this time with a little more speed. he made it to the other side! woo! (this is pretty deep mud, mind you) he backs up into the field a bit, and tries to make it back, but gets caught up at the dropoff. i hooked the chain up, and pulled him out.

keeling (the other guy) went next. he's got an '89 dodge dakota, 31" tires, 3" body lift, auto-locking hubs, and a newly rebuilt v6. his outcome is the same as the aforementioned. (buried, except he was over the axles, easily. the mud was more than half way up his tires) i hooked the chain to him, put my truck in 4 low, tightened up the chain, and feathered the gas. his truck is more mid-sized, or full sized than mine is. my truck started sliding sideways, so i countersteered, my tires dug in, and i yanked him right out. (i was proud of my little 22re 4 cylander which is BONE stock!) his truck got nice and muddy, his rims have a huge offset, so his tires pop pretty far out from the bodyline.

i'm next. my truck is a '94 toyota 4x4, manual locking hubs, 22re 4 cylander, 31" tires, and that's all that's really related to going in the mud. (my tires are a little more knobby than theirs are)

i floor it in first, get up to about 3800rpm in second, and plow down this hill into the mud. immediatly i become bogged down, so i hit first gear wicked fast, and pin the throttle again. mud is flying everywhere. (my rims have a nice offset on them, so the tires bulge out from the fenders a bit) chunks of mud were flying all over the place. i was holding it at 4k rpm in first gear, and i pulled through it! woo! sweet! but it's not over yet!

now i have to get back up that drop off. i back into the field, floor it in first, hit second hard, up to about 3700rpm, into the pit i go, immediatly bogged down so i hit first again. mud is everywhere. it was splashing 10-12 feet to either side of me. my front tires hit the drop off section, and i started to pull right up it! i was in disbelief! i kept on the gas, and then my rear tires were on it, and i kept pulling! i made it out, covered in mud, and with a shit-eating grin on my face. (they're always busting my ass about how i have a 4 cylander, and they have 6's.)

it was a hella good time, but it was time to go, as we probably would have gotten in trouble had we stayed there. anyway, that's my brief story on our first attempt at mudding with relatively stock trucks. :)

though, i'm definatly going to get lockers or true tracks now, along with a gearing reduction and 33x12.5's. :) (springtime)

does anyone know if lockers are still decent for daily driving? and if it would matter if i put a locker in the front, and a truc-trac in the rear (for daily-drivability?)

thanks for reading, and on to some pics the day after-

take note of the mud and crap all stuck in the front axles where the CV boots are. haha


and the dodge dakota-


unfortunately, there are no pics of the other toyota pickup. :(



Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
Locker front, true-trac rear is a good setup (you don't get chirping when you go around corners normally because the front hubs are unlocked).

As for mudding, its a lot of fun but will get very expensive once you start breaking stuff. Good times though!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
the place we were in is one that you don't want to get caught in, so we were doing this with no headlights on. :( we will definatly have pics (and possibly video) of our next trip, wherever that may be. i hate my slow ass computer, as i have three more decent pics to upload! it takes forEVER!

dialup FTL.

excellent! :) i think i'll go that route. i don't want to be chirping the tires all the time. luckily there's a truck just like mine at a local junkyard, should i happen to break anything... :)



Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
If you plan on doing any rock crawling with the true-track, just remember to apply a little bit of brake when you lift a rear wheel (with a true trac, if the wheel is in the air with no torque against it, it'll just spin).


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
^ ah, that's some good advice right there. i don't plan on much rock crawling. this truck has IFS, and i wasn't planning on swapping in a solid front axle, (not that i NEED it, but it's stronger). it won't see much rock-crawling time.

i can't even think of one place near me with rocks to crawl on! haha. :)




The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
Brewster said:
looks like you guys need some real tires!

goodyear MTRs ftw

I can't wait till spring, I wanna go get my truck muddy again. You can actually tell what colour it is. It makes me so sad :wtc:

I think there problem was hitting it in 2nd and getting bogged down, and not doing anyhting about it. Where as you were shifting down into first and keeping the wheels spinning and cleaning them out, that's the only way to do it in the mud.

One of the few times I've been stuck since I put the Boggers on was because I didn't give it enough skinny pedal and my tires weren't cleaning themselfs out enough to get any traction. I have a vid of it, and the first thing my friend said when he saw it was "should have just floored it and kept them spinning." I can't wait to try that hole again in the spring :D


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
yeah, the tires i have came with my truck. i'm getting 33x12.5's in the spring. something that's a bit more mud-friendly, but still daily drivable, as my truck is my daily driver. :)

but i know we definatly need better tires for the mud! that's a given! :)

brewster- those goodyear MTR's look like they'd be good on and off road... i'll have to look into them! what size are those? and are those the classic "rock crawling" rims i see? if so, what brand? i've been seriously considering getting some of those black rock crawler rims. they're badass.

loki- my bro has a '79 f-150, rusty with a flatbed. 351M (factory modified to a 400) that thing's a beast. (it's his plow truck) and yeah, i bet if they downshifted they'd have made it out, and if not, then close to all the way out...


The Weather Man

Ive seen his monster truck in person! Its really nice!

Pulled my supra outta the garage at idle practically!! :biglaugh:

My mom loves your truck Shaeff!


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
the tires were 31x10.50 and are great on the road, in the mud and in the snow. weren't very noisy on the road and i had them over 100mph a few times, but at those speeds the noise became obnoxious... the wheels are actually rock crawlers and were great as well.

wish i still had that mitsu...


no no! get a real truck like the one i had! and real tires too!

well guess you cant see it that well, but had 35x15.50 mickey thompson baja claws, about 8 in lift, 5sp, v6...this truck could go anywhere! even with open differentials!


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New Member
Oct 10, 2006
You all can do better than that =-p It's not real muddin' till you can't see the paint on the truck =-)

Damn I need money for a set of good rubber for the Silverado and a digi cam :(


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
2slow4you said:
You all can do better than that =-p It's not real muddin' till you can't see the paint on the truck =-)

Damn I need money for a set of good rubber for the Silverado and a digi cam :(

WV? where do you live?