The reason why is because there are a good deal of sites who will terminate your connection to their server if you are taking up a disproportionate amount of bandwidth. Or so I have been told. But I ran it for a while, was beautiful with some sites, and there were others that wouldn't even load. Disable Fasterfox, they load, turn it back on, can't get em for more than a page or two, if even.
GJ, I would imagine the number of people writing malicious code for Firefox is growing exponentially ATM. FF has skyrocketed in popularity, so it follows more efforts would be spent on it as it gains market share. Of course, I think there are still many, many less viruses for FF than IE. Firefox does run faster than IE6, iono bout IE7. Ad IE7 added tabs and even gave them thumbnails. But I'm not sure about the security on IE7.
Ret, I've ran 2.0 for a long time now, no problems at all.