Moving to Atlanta, GA next week


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Well I wont get into details as to WHY but a family situation that has come up has brought me to this.... for the next 4 - 12 months I will be living in Atlanta, GA. Im in Houston TX now and I will be driving, either getting a uhaul and towin the supra or just drivin the supra...cant decide yet, $$ is the issue.

Anyone live there? Or on the way?

Techno Supra

Hardcore DJ
phoenix6 said:
Well I wont get into details as to WHY but a family situation that has come up has brought me to this.... for the next 4 - 12 months I will be living in Atlanta, GA. Im in Houston TX now and I will be driving, either getting a uhaul and towin the supra or just drivin the supra...cant decide yet, $$ is the issue.

Anyone live there? Or on the way?

I just arrived in ATL last night and will be here working until Memorial weekend. Then I fly home near Detroit then to Alaska for 3 months. I may be back in ATL after that...depends on where my company sends me.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
HellsLegion said:
Your all racist in Georgia.

Now gimme peaches and Coca Cola products

Quiet you... Don't you have some draconian emissions test to go fail or something? Or maybe an appointment to get your ass beat by some of your "overly enthusiastic" local law enforcement? Guacamole to go eat? West coast weirdo... :D

Anyway, Phoenix, any idea where around ATL yet?

This is a pretty big town.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Supracentral said:
Quiet you... Don't you have some draconian emissions test to go fail or something? Or maybe an appointment to get your ass beat by some of your "overly enthusiastic" local law enforcement? Guacamole to go eat? West coast weirdo... :D

Don't bring my Guacamole into this!


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
Got Boost? said:
Drop off my PSP and 4gig memory stick before you leave, bish. I'll find someone else to downgrade it for me.

So what did you do copy and paste this from the myspace comment??


Im gonna be in an area south of the main city, starts with an S, I forget the name off the top of my head. Gonna be working for a Honda dealership in the shop.... yeah I know I know, but this job was bascially just given to me without trying.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Drive the Supra!

If you have problems along the way, I'm a mile away from I-65, and 19 miles from I-10. I'm not sure the route you will be taking, but it could be I-10 to Mobile, then 65N to Montgomery, then 85 (I think) to Atlanta. The south is full of helpful Supra owners all the way. And Atlanta is covered in them.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
ForcedTorque said:
Drive the Supra!

If you have problems along the way, I'm a mile away from I-65, and 19 miles from I-10. I'm not sure the route you will be taking, but it could be I-10 to Mobile, then 65N to Montgomery, then 85 (I think) to Atlanta. The south is full of helpful Supra owners all the way. And Atlanta is covered in them.

thats EXACTLY the route Im taking and I am takin the supra!! Problem is NOW I have to get a trailer hitch installed and iono where to get one. Im stopping in montgomery to see family on the way too.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
phoenix6 said:
Im gonna be in an area south of the main city, starts with an S, I forget the name off the top of my head. Gonna be working for a Honda dealership in the shop.... yeah I know I know, but this job was bascially just given to me without trying.

I'd suspect Stockbridge...

Not my area. We live on the north side. If it's Stockbridge you'll be about 55 miles away, with the city of Atlanta between us. Probably well over an hour drive.

Watch your ass down there with Henry County police, they hate imports and are, in my exerience, jack booted thugs.