Motor trying to start but shaking and smoking


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
So it was running fine a couple days ago. Made it home, idled it down for several minutes since I'd been on the highway (driving normally, no boosting) and turned it off. Stayed home and didn't turn it on the next day. Yesterday wouldn't start at all. Today finally cranks but something is very wrong. Takes several seconds to get to 4-500 rpm and sounds weak, motor is shaking and wisps of white smoke are puffing from the ddp and the back of the motor. Motor finally started and was hiccuping and shaking the whole car so i immediately turned it back off. First thing I thought was BHG so I checked coolant - fine. Took off the oil cap and looked for milkshake - got more little wisps of white smoke but no milkshake. Battery's almost brand new and has plenty of charge. Can't afford a shop so I either fix it myself or not at all, and as such I would really, really appreciate the help.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
I would check for codes, igntion and valve timing, and then a compression check. In that order as well. It does have fuel in it, correct:)


New Member
Jun 15, 2008
There's a good chance its your Headgasket.
Is there white smoke coming out the tailpipe?
If not check the oil for mayo ! all that checks out then check timing belt.
Also if you have oil fouled plugs. Sometimes the valve covers will leak and fill the spark plug holes which will mess up the spark....
Look into those things first.


Zombie Chicks Are Hot
Mar 26, 2008
7 Cities, VA
Shaking and not starting properly are signs of timing being off. Could have skipped a tooth.

Check the codes, check the timing, CHECK THE CPS, and THEN worry about worse issues.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
I would do a compression check. I had the same problem no coolent in the oil or oil in the coolent. But when I did a compression it came up 0,0,155,160,0,0. The gasket was blown in between cylinders 1,2 and 5,6.


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
Ok thanks for input, I need to wait till monday to cash my check and get all the tools I'll need. I have noticed my valve covers leaking a very small amount of oil, even got the new gaskets but I've never had a properly sheltered area where I'd feel comfortable opening up the motor. Don't really have a choice now, though. I'll start with checking the timing belt and codes tomorrow, plugs and compression will have to wait until check is cashed.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
Check for oil around the plugs. That will cause the misfire aswell if its enough. Was the white smoke, actually smoke? OR was it steam?

Get it running and smell the white smoke/steam. Its coolant if it smells very sweet.

Probability of it bieng timing of some sort i would consider low as you didnt touch any of it and it was running properly before at idle.

Any smoke last time it was running?


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
Sorry took so long busy and weather sucked. Smoke was just little puffs not a continuous stream and never appeared before when I drove. Smoke is a burning smell so its not coolant. Timing is solid, haven't checked compression yet but I pulled the ignition cable from the first cylinder and there was a good 1/4 inch of oil on it. A fair amount on the plate/cover between the cam towers too. Safe to say the cam cover gaskets are leaking. Is there anything that could be/could have been knocked out as a side effect? And I'm confident I can replace the gaskets myself but how am I going to get the oil out of the motor?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
also check the 4 14mm in between all the spark plugs. valve covers might just need to be tightened up as the bolts come loose.


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
Ok, update. Still haven't tested compression, I'll post on friday or saturday after I've bought the tester and done the check. BUT here's the thing. Dad came over Saturday and I cranked it for him to see. Trying to start as usual but this time I got a PLUME of white smoke from the very rear of the motor. Not little puffs, but a PLUME. Unfortunately I was congested and couldn't smell it and Dad didn't check. Looking like BHG but we'll let the compression test tell us what's up. Thanks for your input and suggestions, I'll let you know regarding further developments.


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
BHG. Started up, ran well at 1000 rpm for a couple mins then dropped to 650 and roughened with white smoke puffing out the exhaust and the front and back of the motor. Drove around the block very carefully while monitoring fluid levels. Coolant and oil levels and gauges are both normal so looks like its the tiniest crack. Power loss and smoke were pretty minimal. So imma rebuild! Thinking HKS Bead and RC550's, while replacing piston rings and rod bearings during. Any input on anything else I should do while the motors open? I'm sure there's a Bible of BHG's thread on here somewhere but its either hard to find or this search engine doesn't work on my computer.


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
los gatos, ca BHG & you'll be enlightened...
MHG requires mirror finish block & head (think Rob's Machine Shop - Hayward) or it's a "do-over"
Have him hone the bores for your new rings.
Measure every single part: ring gaps, bearings (Rob will get u the right bearings)(plastiguage 'em yourself)
TRSM is your bible...


One helluva lucky noob
Jan 14, 2010
Napa, California, United States
Funny thing, I search BHG and apparently 'none of the words match'. I'll try google. I've checked a couple shops and the best price I've found so far is $2-2500 plus parts at KBR in Vallejo. Worst is $37-4000 in Napa. What are your opinions on price? And does anybody know someone who can do it cheap but perfect? I'd like to save but not at the expense of my rods.