Motor idling at 2000 and pusing 3000RPMs. Need some experienced advice.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
There is enough good information on this site to forget who that mechanic is. You can do almost anything to this car by yourself, even if you have little mechanical knowledge. You can't do much worse on your own than most mechanics do to your car not knowing much about the car. There are plenty of people here who will not let anybody touch their car but themselves. I came here without ever doing anything more than changing spark plugs and oil, and I am getting closer to the point of not letting anyone touch my car, but there are still a few times that I will break down and use a professional (engine internals, paint, etc). But I am amazed at what all I have learned to do with the help of the guys around here.

Oh....and go out ant see if your carpet is wet way up near your clutch pedal. Sometimes a bad clutch master cylinder will leak inside.


New Member
Hey Grim,

Here are pictures of the bolts. Definitely came from the undercarriage. Let me know what you think, they are 3/4 of an inch long, I did not measure the width but I'm sure you or others will recognize it once you see it.

2011-12-15 22.29.06.jpg2011-12-15 22.29.28.jpg



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Those bolts look like they should be in your oil pan. Can you jack the car up and look to see if you have bolts in all bolt holes around your oil pan. If so, look to see if any of them don't match all of the others. He may have used bolts from somewhere else to bolt up the pan.


New Member
Ahhh. I see. I'll have to do that either tomorrow or Saturday. As soon as I do I will. So if the bolts that they replace are currently in the oil pan I might have to do a swap or at least get some bolts for the flywheel if that is where they belong because I would much rather not break the seal for the oil pan.

Thanks for the help.If I find something to take a picture of I will and post it. As soon as I have any info I'll be sure to let you guys know.