IJ. said:To add: Then come here and piss and moan about how crap 7M's are when it shit's itself and buy a JDM 1JZ and wander around saying "Yo" a lot.......
thats slogan worthy.:biglaugh:
IJ. said:To add: Then come here and piss and moan about how crap 7M's are when it shit's itself and buy a JDM 1JZ and wander around saying "Yo" a lot.......
peachtits said:my friend just did oil, tranny and rear end fluid change so thats all set...
see what he thinks about headgaskets and shit
i will have the wastegate shimmed
i happen to knowa guy who can do it
so he does shit real cheap
SnowMongoose said:dont want to encourage him too much, but if he really needs help, he isnt *too* far from Shaeff
<Shaeff, aka the most helpful guy I can think of in New York>
but yeah, intake, exhaust, and if yer gonna shim, may as well at least retorque the head.
peachtits said:actually i can work on my car....im not stupid and i have tools...