most commonly used tools on supra


Vroom Vroom!
Jan 1, 2007
Houston, TX
Lol, yea forgot to add fuses - I have pretty much another spare fusebox, every single fuse needed. Can't forget the coolant either - 2 full gallons.


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal

I got a couple of these in my supra.

5 dollar rebate!


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Zumtizzle;1481047 said:
^You carry all that stuff with your supra to the track? Boy it must be a shitbox. ;)

A bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide and roll of cotton bandages.

no i dont go to the track. i carry all the sockets(plus smaller ones) a couple ratchet's, screw driver pliers and thats it in a lil tool bag in the hatch just incase. i used to use it for the junkyards but i dont usually go to them anymore. comes useful sometimes when working on my car or other peoples(if they need help)


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
that blue devil stuff is the fucking bomb!!! used it in my z26 beretta... that thing was totally blown, cracked head, and bhg, used that... drove it just under 80k more miles....that stuffs amazing


Apr 1, 2005
In my experience, 90% of jobs can be done with one of those cheap tool sets you can get at the parts store for $20. That increases to 97% if you throw in a set of vice grips and a cheater bar.
I keep my real tools in the garage and keep two "travel" sets in the house. Both of which, when taken in sum, cost less than my three snap-on line wrenches. ROI? Can't beet the autozone tool set.

BTW, I vote pickle fork for most under-utilized tool.


Uchiha Member
May 5, 2008
Miami, Florida, United States
this is a Funny thread! lol Coolant! LMAo
I keep a Walmart Toolbox in my trunk which is no bigger then a XbOX360

It has sockets 6-14 Rackets 1/4 & 3/8 & 4 Different PLyers
Quart of Oil
Bottle of Antifreeze
A Bag of Misc. Fuses & Relays

Never known with the Supra plus my friends/Family think im AAA


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I take ratcheting swivel wrenches in 10, 12, 14, and 17. Same sized sockets. Water, I can make it home on pure water without any coolant if I need to. ATF fluid for the power steering. Brake fluid for the brakes / clutch. Some baling wire. A few dozen assorted zip ties. Pliers and a hammer.


May 25, 2007
GrimJack;1481302 said:
I take ratcheting swivel wrenches in 10, 12, 14, and 17. Same sized sockets. Water, I can make it home on pure water without any coolant if I need to. ATF fluid for the power steering. Brake fluid for the brakes / clutch. Some baling wire. A few dozen assorted zip ties. Pliers and a hammer.

You've got some of the real basics here... and I usually carry some WD-40, 1 quart syn. oil, gearwrench-the box-n-open, FLASHLIGHT!!! (where are you guys on THAT one??? I keep at LEAST one in tool-bag/canvas type and another in the car... usually LED type), timing light (yes, it's usually in the car), some vac. hose + several other sizes common on plumbing, hose clamps, heavy duty duct tape, electrical tape, fuses (all for the most part), a box of butt connectors x2 sizes, 2x roll of black and red 14ga. wire, crimper/stripper/wire cutter, box-o-bolts w/nuts (various metric), roll of gasket material, 2x Felpro T-stat gaskets, a handful of credit cards, some cash, BLUE SHOP TOWELS x2 rolls, AND AAA 120PLUS coverage...

...and... drumroll, please!!!


^^^ Never leave home (in a supra) without it!

You can pretty much throw money at everything else... but the one thing you MUST have (if you are "out" from home-base very far at all...) is the TSRM.

NOTE: A cell phone goes without question here... but then again, anyone WITHOUT one just about 24/7/365 is already working handicapped... in life in general. (Of course, neither can you ESCAPE it... but at least you should HAVE it.;))

...let's see... I missed some stuff...:biglaugh:

Oh, yeah... many of us would do well to keep a spare tranny on tap, as well.;)

(My goal someday will be JUST the TSRM and a simple "all-in-one" kit from anywhere.)

EDIT: CAMERA!!! I RARELY travel anywhere without at least a basic point-and-shoot (digital or otherwise) for whatever should come up. The supra ALWAYS affords incidents of interest whether good or bad. Life's short, take more pictures.;)



Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
^when have you ever needed any of that?

Remember children; Dead Weight is wasted space.

I don't get any of this carrying ATF, Oil, or Brake Fluid...Water Maybe....

You can get any of that at a service station......


May 25, 2007
Zumtizzle;1481321 said:
^when have you ever needed any of that?

Remember children; Dead Weight is wasted space.

I don't get any of this carrying ATF, Oil, or Brake Fluid...Water Maybe....

You can get any of that at a service station......

Service station is a LOOOOONG walk in some parts.;)

I've used nearly EVERY item mentioned at some point or another. Generally, you only use a COUPLE-THREE tools for any given incident... but in the broad scope of things that can occur... unless you have redundant systems like IJ and a near bullet-proof build (that's like a "sure-thing" in horse racing:biglaugh:) just about anything can happen at any given moment in a Supra.

I like the idea that the line between being ABLE to make a repair and at the mercy of circumstances is a little "dead-weight"... to the tune of 10~20lbs max. Not a bad trade off, if you ask me... and a GODSEND if you are on the road STATES away from your home!

I suspect I've rarely HAD to use the tools... although frequently CHOSE to make some "adjustment" while still out on a drive... and in the rare instances where I was dead in the water and NEEDED them, it's made the difference between a slight delay but self-achieved solution and a pricey tow on a flat-bed... AND a blown schedule regardless of the severity of the initial issue.

All in all, I've had a very good record of getting the car home. Had to tug with my pick-up from a few miles away during a couple trouble-shooting runs over the years... and one trip on a flat-bed after the stuck valve from a dropped seat from about 35 miles out, and another time when I FRIED a manual tranny with a 4.88 rear end that was "binding" up and backlashed itself into tranny-liquification just outside Louisville... a good $300+ flat-bed hauls even WITH my AAA 120+ status!

Otherwise... I think I've always made it home with the tools I had! That's with 15 years with this car, and MOST of the 100,000 miles my own to boot!

...back to everyone else's commonly used tools...;)



Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
With all truth; if you have any issues on the road.

Have your Supra towed to your authorized Toyota service facility or Toyota Dealership.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
No matter what I've blown up/broken on my car it's only ever been towed home once, and I "could" have solved that as it turned out to be an unplugged ECU connector and nothing more....