"The Mk3 is well known for having terrible, terrible steering angle, especially for a rwd car."
That sure is a funny way of saying "The Mk3 has an excellent double wishbone suspension designed for good geometry rather than using a cheap, compact strut that compromises handling," if you ask me...
That said, I get what you're doing man. Why not run a different swaybar, or without? It's getting in the way of angle after all... oh wait, then you'd hit the lower control arm, better get rid of that too! Seriously though, what happens when you rub a hole in your tire or rim when you have nothing to STOP the wheel from contacting another part of the car that it shouldn't? Massive tire failure, that's what.
What happens when the knuckle or tie rod fails because it's fatigued? I know of at least one person on this forum who knows all too well. Spoiler alert: it's not pretty, and neither are you when you inevitably crash.
Not trying to piss in your cheerios here, just saying that the criticism of a Supra's steering angle is on the same level as criticizing the Miata for not having more horsepower. Both are missing the point of the car's intended function. If you want a car with lots of angle, buy something with a strut front suspension. Not like there aren't pretty much every car that isn't a Supra for options, after all.