MKIII racer?


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
the supra is great for turns, like most have said, the suspension was built for the gt, and until the gtr came around, the turbo A was the fastes car in japan. the FC is a great platform for drift/auto x as well, my friend had a turbo II and that thing screamed, w/ a two way lsd, those things can slide for days. it was a bummer when he wreked it. anyways, for road racing, I'd say the supra is a great candidate, and if you get a lot of understeer, just pull the handbreak and gun it, you'll slow down a bit, but you'll have a better exit speed than dumping on the brakes before the turn, just make sure you can control the drift, and never do this unless you have the correct line for it through the turn.


Four Door Drifter
Apr 2, 2005
new jersey
supraman2251 said:
the supra is great for turns, like most have said, the suspension was built for the gt, and until the gtr came around, the turbo A was the fastes car in japan. the FC is a great platform for drift/auto x as well, my friend had a turbo II and that thing screamed, w/ a two way lsd, those things can slide for days. it was a bummer when he wreked it. anyways, for road racing, I'd say the supra is a great candidate, and if you get a lot of understeer, just pull the handbreak and gun it, you'll slow down a bit, but you'll have a better exit speed than dumping on the brakes before the turn, just make sure you can control the drift, and never do this unless you have the correct line for it through the turn.
was it a white rx7??


T-virus infected
although I hate to say it.. BUT a 1jz supra with the right suspension setup will handle extremely awesome.
BTW I'm sure Bishop's car can handle extremely well on the track. I haven't seen it drive on the track but he does have a good bit of goodies underneath his butt.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
SupraDerk said:
The FC3S is actually on the top of my list. The turboII would be an excellent car except it's really hard to find one in a) good condition and b) in this area. I've been sniffin around the RX7 forums along with a couple other car specific forums and they were sayin that to take the N/A RX7 is pretty much pointless. Then there's the rotary engine, not too many mechanics like that bad boy, but the guys on the forums said that it was probably one of the easier engines to work on due to only having 3 moving parts. So the turboII is pretty much it in the way of the 7, if I can find one that's not a rust bucket then I'm all about it. And I think that the weight distribution is somethin like 48/52 or 49/51 or something like that, it's slightly in the rear.

hit the nail on the head. my best friend has a 91 rx-7 n/a. i rape him in the straights but he owns the turns. i've auto-xed the supra, not shure that that is it's comfort zone. not that it cant be done. i think its more of a drag car. now my bud with the rx usually runs 5-8sec faster than me in auto-x, our driving abilaties are about the same. and yes the turbo II rx has 4 piston front calipers, but the rears are the same as the n/a, single piston, only they are wider because the rear rotor in the turbo II is a composit rotor. the n/a rear rotors are not composit. i know this beacuse my friend just bought turbo II breaks for his car. if you want to road race, i dont know of a whole lot better than a rx-7.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
I love the way the supra handles, even tho u can feel her weight in tight corners.I say a big break upgrade would be essential, along with regular suspension mods.Im n/a and when i take her out in the country and start pushing her thru turns break fade make itself know rather quick..........


Four Door Drifter
Apr 2, 2005
new jersey
supraman2251 said:
ya, why?

edit: his name is chris christostomo(no joke), did you know him?
i dont know the guys name but a guy who now has a cressida had a white rx7 that he messed up pretty good then parted it out and chopped up the rest of the car and he lives in WA. probably him.


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
holy crap, that probly is him, the FC was in his back yard in about eight pieces for some time. now he has two cressidas, one is high-comp, one is na-t, the turbo one has black, white, and grey camo paint with "a team" in bright pink on the door.


T-virus infected
supraman2251 said:
it doesent even need to have a 1j, hell, I'm n/a and I still kill in the mountains.
That maybe but thats also what the 1jz was made for. High rev's. easy to stay in the power band thru a corner just pop a rev and ease on out. unlike the 7m. not saying the 7m can't do it, it just can't do it as well.


Four Door Drifter
Apr 2, 2005
new jersey
supraman2251 said:
holy crap, that probly is him, the FC was in his back yard in about eight pieces for some time. now he has two cressidas, one is high-comp, one is na-t, the turbo one has black, white, and grey camo paint with "a team" in bright pink on the door.
that sneaky little bastard, that most likely is him. i dont think he told any of us that he painted the one car or anything. he hasnt been updating the site much either.


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
ya thats him, when he bought the camo cressida, It was already modded like crazy, N/A>T, fmic, coilovers, and it already had the camo... I think... i think the only thing he did was the a-team on the side...god I miss that fc... i only saw it once before he wrecked it.. :cry: