My .02 is that as said before it's your car, I'll never knock it out wright because it's not mine thus my opinion is moot. However I do have an opinion and I think it's a horrible idea, the mkiii is an 80's bruiser, that's what It was meant to be and it's looks make it concrete, changing that will change the personality of the whole car and I'd sincerely hate to see you finish then dislike it, because there's no going back at that point. Now the soarer front, that's some sexy shit! It gives you the non flip ups and still holds the 80's body lines, plus it's muuuuuuuch less modifications.
I'm an extreme lover of the factory lines, I think it's just perfect minus maybe lowering or a lip. I HATE to see someone ruin it, but as I said it's not mine, do as you will and I'll support your decision