Hey everyone, just spreading the word over here. We're planning another Supra meet in Springfield, MO. Last year we had over 20 cars, looking for an even greater turnout, so PLEASE plan on coming and supporting our wonderful community!
Get a hold of me if you're in the St. Louis area. KC, Como, and Spfld people have others to kind of coordinate caravans.
We also had IL, AR, NE, CO, OK, and others show up as well!
This is all subject to change, so please check both threads often.
Last year:
Get a hold of me if you're in the St. Louis area. KC, Como, and Spfld people have others to kind of coordinate caravans.
We also had IL, AR, NE, CO, OK, and others show up as well!
This is all subject to change, so please check both threads often.
OK, so here is the plan (still in the works):
Dates: July 31st - August 2nd
Location: Springfield, MO
Host Hotel: Undecided As Of Yet
Friday, July 31st - Everyone arrive at host hotel around 7:00 PM, get settled in, then we will all go to Indigo Joes to eat, meeting there at 9 PM. They are open till 1:30 AM, so we can just have a good time. I made reservations, so we shouldn't have to wait.
Saturday, August 1st - I reserved the Ozark International Raceway Drag Strip for the Supra Group for 3 hours. $15 to race, $10 to spectate. We have to be there at 10:00 AM on Saturday, and will race SUPRAS ONLY for 3 hours. Other 2jz-ge and 2jz-gte cars welcome to race too. All other cars, see info about "Street Wars" below. I will be bringing trophies for the following winners:
Best 1/4 Mile Time - MKIV Single Turbo
Best 1/4 Mile Time - MKIV Stock Twins or N/A
Best 1/4 Mile Time - MKIII & older
Best 1/4 Mile Time - Other 2JZ Cars
Best 1/8 Mile Time - MKIV or MKIII & older
Best 60 Ft - MKIV
Best 60 Ft - MKIII or older
As soon as we are done racing, the track is having "Street Wars" which we can attend, for no additional cost, so bring your friends who want to come, as they can race here against us. I say the Supras should show our power at Street Wars after we get all our practice on each other. For info about Street Wars, or the track, go to: http://www.ozarkracewaypark.com/.
Sunday, August 2nd - 11:00 AM - Whenever - Show and Shine Car Show - Still figuring out the location on this, but the trophies will be for:
Best Interior
Best Sound System
Best Engine Bay
Best Overall - MKIV
Best Overall - MKIII or Older
Last year: