fixitman04;1550306 said:
well, that is the exact repair procedure we used! forgot the multiple burnouts as well! no boost.... your screwed!
:rofl: I forgot about them. I know we even have instructional video's and picture's of "how he did it" :rolf:
EDIT: here is how to fix you problematic 340 (or any supra) step by step with pics!!!!!!
First hold down brake peddle and start to press the far right peddle.
Start building up some rear tire speed.
If you doing it right, lots of white smoke should start to come from the rear tires.
If every one :rofl:'s , cheers and is clapping, you did it correct. Just make sure the guy behind you isn't Dan with the targa off, because he will get pissed and will get rubber chunks stuck in his hair

You can see his blue sup in my rear view mirror in the last pic.
Last year was pretty fun, looking back at the pics. I'm just hoping HR relayed on the msg to my boss, that I need the 15th off.