Hey guys I bought this Mine's Fuel Hacker the other day because i thought it was interesting and found out soon after there is close to no information about these out there. So here goes, it's a piggyback produced by mines in the mid-80's for the 7mgte and 3sgte before they figured out how to crack factory Toyota ECU's. It does a couple things, first it removes fuel cut and second it allows you to over ride the factory injectors, not just tweak the maf signal like other piggy backs and there is an option to hook an o2 sensor to show lean conditions. You can choose where the fuel over ride cuts in by using the first knob and the second knob controls how much fuel to add or remove. There is a built in MAP sensor in the unit for referencing boost pressure and the harness for this unit is completely plug and play for the early model yellow plug harness in the soarer and supra's.
The lights
Power- Shows unit has power
INJ -Shows injector pulses
FH-Shows "fuel hacking"
ADD-Shows lean condition
Max-Injectors Maxed out
The Dials
Boost-Where the Hacker kicks in
Value-How much fuel gets added or subtracted
The lights
Power- Shows unit has power
INJ -Shows injector pulses
FH-Shows "fuel hacking"
ADD-Shows lean condition
Max-Injectors Maxed out
The Dials
Boost-Where the Hacker kicks in
Value-How much fuel gets added or subtracted