

New Member
Jul 14, 2007
New Jersey
So saturday i was driving home after the beach with my friend... just enjoying the day nothing crazy...Im sitting at this light when this white millenia with 4 people ( car is full ) pulls up next to me... starts reving pulling up more and more. Im just sitting not caring at all and hes about half a car infront of me. Light turns green and he had already been rolling so i just go not wanting to do anything but then i was like F that millenia so i stomped the gas ( auto sorry guys) and i fly by and get to the next light by like 15 cars and i had slowed down next to him at one point to be a jerk :biglaugh: . so im thinking hes in his place so i move to the front of traffic and he decides he wants to be humbled again so he tries to keep up and im like okay thats it... i just hit it and im gone .... by like 25 cars its not even funny ... so i slow down cause its a 35 and i just raped him twice... he does his little ricer fly by at like 65... HERE is the best part... 100 yards after his little fly by at 65 he passes a cops hiding spot... cop comes out pulls the gay ace ricer over... and i go home happy that it wasnt me :evil2:
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Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Here's a little comparison. My cousin's dodge avenger (420A neon motor, NOT the V-6 version offered) slowly crept away from a millenia that was loaded down with four people (so was ours).