Oh yes, they do

You pay for each 100cc, how much it is depends on the "smog rating" (can you say that?) of the car.
This and the taxes on gas are the reasons why Germany is the country of the econoboxes :madfawk:
The 3 liter N/A Supra was a really slow seller compared to the turbo model since it had the same displacement but had a worse smog rating (no precat) and was therefore quite expensive in the long run.
That's probably why they discontinued the nonturbo over here in 87 or 88 or so - nobody would buy it.
For a 7M-GTE Supra, it's currently 453 EUR a year, the tax increases every couple of years. If you have a 7M-GE Supra (which had no precat in Germany), it's a whopping 632 EUR (~760 US-$).
Currently there are 10 times more turbo MKIIIs registered in Germany than nonturbos (about 3.000 vs. 300).