Middle East Crisis

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is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Hmm it is funny to see what ppl have to say on topics like this most of the time they contradict themselves . IE(I am pretty oblivious to anything that doesn't affect me personally, so I have no coment on the subject. However because of this whole deal gas prices are rumored to go even higher. Like to 4.00+ a gallon!!!! I dont know about you guys but I am not ok with spending $65.00 to fill up my supra. I dont even want to do the math on what it would cost to fill up my dd the 4runner.) How is it not affecting you personally? the number one reason that the world is so fucked up right now . Is because every citizen of every developed country has that attitude "fuck it ,its not my country , not my town, not my kids.NOT MY PROBLEM," Well I got news for you it is your problem when a country has the ability to put a icbm in your front yard .Its bullshit you have citizens that call the goverment into action but dont have the stomach for methods. You have sports "stars" making more then the people controlling the button .You have people bitching about IIlegals taking jobs they dont want to do. How is it that more people voted for the next american idol then in the Presidental election.....But John cant marry Bob .....fucking hypocrites


Dec 20, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
The middle east is always been a violent place because the people there are brainwashed by religion, corrupt leaders, and possibly demons (just kidding on that one but who knows). The people have an average I.Q. of 2 and are mostly self centered money hungry religious zelots who hate anyone different from themselves and furthermore wish to kill anyone different I.E. Israeli's. I think arabs and the islamic religion are a major problem in the world, when was the last time you heard of an amish suicide bomber or jewish people hijacking planes to bomb new york building. Israel shouldn't be called off like they have in the past, and maybe we should just level all arab states with a nice big neutron bomb or Fuel air explosive, either way it would end quite a few global issues in less than a minute. I'm sick of the world's tolerance of ignorant, violent, corrupt people and thier psuedo religions that preach hate and destruction or are at least interpreted that way. When you tolerate something to the point that they can do anything then you are in fact a MORON. Just a few thoughts.

Well I donno what so say but in what I can see that many Americans think that Iraqi people hate them cause the US army invaded IRaq and if you think so too i'll tell you that you're wrong cause Iraqi people doesn't have americans cause invading Iraq wasn't the american people's act. It was the act of their goverment and that doesn't require us to hate american people. In my opinion as a Native Iraqi I think American people are great people. The war decision was a bad one but that's with the goverment.

So my friend I don't care if you think we're terrorists and I don't care if you think we're ignorant,Violent and corrupt people but what really makes me Sad is you hate us just some people which was arabs acted against your innocent people. Believe me I was sad and I'm still angry cause of the terrible act against the us on 11st of semptember but you can't blame all arabs for that.Blame those who are brainwashed and ignorant. And I really didn't wish to say this but you made to my friend. Saying that (and maybe we should just level all arab states with a nice big neutron bomb or Fuel air explosive) makes you one of the terrorists which killed all those innocent people in the world trade center cause you're willing\wishing to see innocent people dead.

I really wish people like you start hearing the story from 2 sides and it hurts me that people in such great country say such words. If you got family who got killed and was innocent. I'm sorry for them but in the same time I got family who got killed by the american army and was innocent but I don't blame anyone those are casualties of war. I really wish this place would be a much better place full with peace and joy so we'd live a great life and so such subjects won't start....


Apr 2, 2005
Racine, WI
Wills7MGTE said:
The middle east is always been a violent place because the people there are brainwashed by religion, corrupt leaders, and possibly demons (just kidding on that one but who knows). The people have an average I.Q. of 2 and are mostly self centered money hungry religious zelots who hate anyone different from themselves and furthermore wish to kill anyone different I.E. Israeli's. I think arabs and the islamic religion are a major problem in the world, when was the last time you heard of an amish suicide bomber or jewish people hijacking planes to bomb new york building. Israel shouldn't be called off like they have in the past, and maybe we should just level all arab states with a nice big neutron bomb or Fuel air explosive, either way it would end quite a few global issues in less than a minute. I'm sick of the world's tolerance of ignorant, violent, corrupt people and thier psuedo religions that preach hate and destruction or are at least interpreted that way. When you tolerate something to the point that they can do anything then you are in fact a MORON. Just a few thoughts.

How is that any different than here in the US? not every middle eastern person has the same mindset of killing everyone.

In the US, we have groups that commit violent acts against certain groups, not everyone takes part in it. We also have a gov't that isn't exactly perfect.... lots o' corruption there.

You are actually sounding like someone in the histroy books, Hi...something... Hitl... idk...*cough* "lets get rid of everyone that is middle eastern, even though it's a small percentage that take part in violence... lets send them all to camps.. to "work"."

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
well I knew everyone would hate my POV but lets face it sometimes a large group of people must be written off when a majority of that group is messing up, the military doesn't punish an individual it punishes the whole and it seems to work, so if your into being a bleeding heart save the world type you will most likely end up bleeding, because those you feel for or sympathize with will end up making you dead or disfigured.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
I don't wish for war, but I think all of this was only a matter of time. There's only so long you can supress tensions around the world and I think the more you try to supress them the more violent the reaction will be when supression doesn't work anymore.

Now North Korea is acting up again...this world...sheesh...

**I think personal attacks should be left out of this thread. It's not your place to attack someone based on THEIR opinion


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
lets face it sometimes a large group of people must be written off when a majority of that group is messing up

In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that the Third Reich would occupy or influence during World War II. By 1945, close to two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the "Final Solution"...

Six million murders.

And people who think like you made it possible.

Your ignorance astounds me...


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
I highly doubt Israel needs the US to help them. I am pretty sure that they could take on Syria and Iran at the same time in the event of an all out war. They have over 500 combat aircraft sitting all over the country, better tanks than ours, highly advanced weapons systems, and a whole lot of angry citizens that are sick and tired of being attacked and they ain’t gonna take it no more.


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
nuke em' till they glow and shoot em' in the dark!

unfortunately women and children can be terrorists to now days so they all have to go as-well! (welcome to equal rights Lady's!) if you don't totally remove your opponent you just get a lot of angry left overs with guns or wanna-be pilots that want to park in tall buildings!


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
I don't know if their tanks are better than ours...but they do have the second strongest Air Force in the world...second to ours!


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Dammit, I don't often stick my nose into these threads anymore, but here goes.

Their airforce may be the second best in the world, but it's the absolute best on their side of the planet, even if the USA was willing to ship every aircraft carrier they owned into the Med.

Stop fingerpointing at terrorist tactics. It's the only viable way to fight a war without having a military and tactical advantage. The USA doesn't use it (much) anymore because they always have the advantage. Was this always the case? Hell no. How do you think the USA won it's independance? Add to this the fact that every major intelligence agency in every country in the world has been teaching terrorist tactics since Sun Tzu was born - or earlier - and I don't care where you live, don't think your country is exempt. You show me an intelligence group made up of saints and I'll show you someone with too much faith in the system.

People really need to start asking some hard questions. Who taught the terrorist tactics being used right now? Who invented them initially? Who documented them, and how many groups have used them since? Is anyone still teaching them as viable methods of warfare?

People at home are being told that terrorism is ugly. Well, in case you hadn't noticed, so is warfare of any kind. Personally, I don't think we will ever get rid of the former without also removing the latter. So, why are all the politicians screaming about terrorism? If everyone uses it, albeit not openly, what's the big deal? There is an obvious answer here, folks, but I'll let you figure it out yourselves.

We need to find the root of the problem. And no, it's not Islam, or terrorism, or any of the stuff you watch on the news. If it were simple enough to fit in a 5 minute spot on the 6:00 news, any idealist could have worked out a perfect solution 20 years ago. Some of the smartest people in the world are trying to work out a solution - literally - and they aren't having much sucess so far.

Those of you suggesting we just nuke the whole area, how about you think about that again? It's certainly possible, there are more than enough nuclear weapons stockpiled to do it. However, have you considered the problems it will leave? At least we wouldn't have to worry about global warming afterwards. I don't think England, Africa, and worst of all, China, would appreciate the nuclear fallout, and if you don't think it would reach that far, you need to reseach global wind patterns again.
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