Hmm it is funny to see what ppl have to say on topics like this most of the time they contradict themselves . IE(I am pretty oblivious to anything that doesn't affect me personally, so I have no coment on the subject. However because of this whole deal gas prices are rumored to go even higher. Like to 4.00+ a gallon!!!! I dont know about you guys but I am not ok with spending $65.00 to fill up my supra. I dont even want to do the math on what it would cost to fill up my dd the 4runner.) How is it not affecting you personally? the number one reason that the world is so fucked up right now . Is because every citizen of every developed country has that attitude "fuck it ,its not my country , not my town, not my kids.NOT MY PROBLEM," Well I got news for you it is your problem when a country has the ability to put a icbm in your front yard .Its bullshit you have citizens that call the goverment into action but dont have the stomach for methods. You have sports "stars" making more then the people controlling the button .You have people bitching about IIlegals taking jobs they dont want to do. How is it that more people voted for the next american idol then in the Presidental election.....But John cant marry Bob .....fucking hypocrites