TS - The writeup you linked me to helped me to realise I already was on the right track so thanks for that! It didn't have a whole lot there that was any specific help, simply because they were making a plug and play loom adapter. Since mine was a rewire of the existing stuff, it was pretty different. Like I said though, was good to use that as a secondary proof of concept. There was some stuff about in cabin wiring and stuff in the doors that had me totally confused though - if you decide to use any of the tips there, they may apply more to you than they did me. I didn't use any of that stuff at all though.
As for the whole wiring process, it went really well! I still need to put my glove box back in but it all seems to fit and is reasonably tidy (need to post some pics). No real dramas, even though I was prepared for the worst!
I'd be careful with a cressida 7M. The two engines/ECUs are VERY different. I didn't find much on the cressida loom that could be used on the supra engine. If you're going cressida engine/ECU you'll have a much better time of it. There are a few gotchas though. From memory:
- cressida ECU has a built in ECT for the auto. If you go manual, not such a problem.
- No ACIS on the cressy motor
- The coil/igniter is on the other side on the cressy motor/loom
- Not sure if this is a generational thing or cressy/supra thing but the MX83 loom I had did not fit the MA70 injectors. The clip was upside down between the two. Could be another difference between low and high impedance injectors though.
Basically, if you're trying to put a supra motor with cressy wiring, it's not going to be as straight forward as keeping the motor/wiring from the same car. As for using pieces from the cressy loom - look at what you've got and compare. There were very few differences between what was on my cressy and the supra stuff on the cabin side. The B1 connector and the ECU connectors were exactly the same. The wires weren't of course!
Hope that helps. I'll formulate all of this a bit more logically in a few days. Brain's a bit drained today I'm afraid!