Master Power Turbos


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
IJ. said:
ReignMaker to engine room "give me boost" Engine room to Reign "Boost will be there in 3.5 hours Sir!" ;)

3 Litres and a T-70 is a big ask for a street car.

Just tell me to keep my T60-1, and I will, lol... But ONLY if you think my turbo will support 500hp... If not, then I need to upgrade, because I want 500, I have the mods for 500, I have the hardware for 500, engine is BUILT for 500... I just NEED the boost to get there, and the right turbo... I was thinking that mine should do it, but if not, I need to upgrade... Gimme some advice on what I should be looking into...


New Member
Apr 13, 2005
in a house
We have had GREAT luck with MP, we have beenabouta year now. We have had 2 fail out of around 45 sold. Both of these had oiling issues. This is MUCH more than I can say about the 50%+ failure of turbonetics. Also if you look at the wheel sizes for MP, they arent exactly the same as the garrett equil. the "60 trim" is actually the exact size of a ts04 and the super 70 is slightly smaller than a standard t70. The top end numbers seem to still be on par with the standard t70s, but the spoolup is incredible. The only complaignt I have about them is customer service for dealers, but that really doesnt affect the end customer. I hope that more people realize that they are a quality product. I also hope they expand their line.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Reign: Can't say what sort of HP you'll make on your turbo as the hot side is so bigNloose, the Compressor may flow enough for 500 but the Hot side may not as it's meant for something bigger than 3 litres. (Think of holding your thumb over a hose soon as you take it off the water slows down this is what's happening with the loose Turbine and as the Comp is driven by the turbine it slows down so less boost)

I'm partial to the GT series (not cheap though) I'm not sure what MDC can offer/recommend from his inventory.


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
So if I want 500whp minimum on pump fuel, with a Spearco intercooler kit and what ever supporting mods needed, including an AEM EMS, what turbo would you recommend? And I'd like a ball bearing turbo for faster spool up.