making an invention, reality?


Oct 3, 2006
'ello mates, i've got a few decent ideas for car improvements that i think could maaaybe become significant. what should i do? lol i know this is a very broad question, i just don't know where to begin in my actions. now that i think of it, i can create it in 3D, but that still doesn't answer my question, lol. have any of you guys ever tried to make an idea of yours happen? *jumps into flame-resistant suit*


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Nope, the adult ADD usually kicks in and lose the thought, Hey you wanna ride bikes?. Good luck on your "inventions" though.


Oct 3, 2006
lol, well it seems that one of my ideas (pressure sensitive brake lights) has already been thought of, i was sure someone had already come up with the idea, but it hadn't been applied to any car so i was curious

but i HIGHLY doubt my other idea has ever been thought of.....i just need to figure out how it's gonna work.. maybe i'll share the demonstration with you guys if i can repair my flame suit from all the prior damage. :aigo:


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Pressure sensitive brake lights, which pulse when the pressure to the pedal is VERY high (emergency braking).... nope never thought of it. I've got a schematic around here somewhere.

I'd highly recommend you get very familiar with patent research, you'd be amazed how much stuff is patented but not produced. A friend is going through some MASSIVE legal expenses on just this sort of thing. To date they've found 3 which appear to have him completely balked.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
thechori said:
lol, well it seems that one of my ideas (pressure sensitive brake lights) has already been thought of, i was sure someone had already come up with the idea, but it hadn't been applied to any car so i was curious

New Bimmers have a pretty cool multi-bright/flashing brake light feature.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Well I have a few rich friends who are into this kind of thing and have a few patents.I was talking to one of them..I cannot remember everything he told me....

Do a search to find out if there is a patent on it already.
You will have to build a working prototype.
Lets say you get a patent....some filthy rich guy can steal your idea and use it. You find out and try to sue him. He is rich and can take you out in court and make you broke in no time.

That is why my friend with his idea had his brother in law who is a Professor of Engineering at Stanford Unviersity for his technical expertise. A coupe of his extremely rich friends who have huge businesses to back him up financially.
A very good attorney to fight it out in court.

Another older friend who worked for NASA has his engineering designs for flying saucers but he has to build the working prototype. He also is trying to build a gearbox with infinite variable gear ratios...I have seen the design. He has only shown it to my boss and myself.

He has approached the senior most Toyota Engineers in Japan with it. He belongs to the most elite Rocket Scientists on this planet and he met the Toyota engineers in one of those conferences in Europe. He cannot give alot of the details to the Toyota engineers otherwise they will pick up on his idea really fast. He told me you need alot of money to get the patents...and legal bills.

You could sell your idea to a company or have them back you up.



7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Hehe, bimmer's have multi-intensity brake lights now? They're illegal in Colorado. Only the third brake light may vary in intensity and/or flash in a non-distracting manner and they may not change in intensity by a certain amount. Doubt it's ever enforced, but if they wanted to the police could easily make the cash the cities needs to fix the streets with this one.

Roy's got it right, BIG friends or BIG partners.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
You can search for US patents here.

Google is also putting together a nice patent search engine It finds all my patents whereas the USPTO page seems to miss some.

There are people here at my workplace who have made $1M with a single patent. Our company gives inventors a 10% cut of royalties, and one patent for the invention of Chemical Vapor Deposition (US Pat. 4066481) made over $10M for the company. But TTE is right, patents can often end up in protracted legal battles like the one over RIM's Blackberry when big $$ are at stake. However, lots of companies will license patents without a fight if they are approached, but it takes a dedicated effort to track down and negotiate.

Before a disclosure is filed, our company, like many others, has an intellectual property committee review the idea and decide if it is worth patenting. A single patent around here can cost $10k to $20k, plus there are maintenance fees and so on, and more good ideas than money. You would be advised to get independent validation of the value of your idea. There are companies that will do this for you. If you sign a non-disclosure agreement with them you will be protected.

Also, be aware that a US patent only buys you protection in the US, so if you want protection in Europe and Asia you need to file additional disclosures and pay more money.

The bottom line, however, is that a paten has no value unless someone uses the idea. That means it should be part of a business plan to commercialize the idea, and will almost always will require significant investments beyond the patent.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
CRE said:
Pressure sensitive brake lights, which pulse when the pressure to the pedal is VERY high (emergency braking).... nope never thought of it. I've got a schematic around here somewhere.

I'd highly recommend you get very familiar with patent research, you'd be amazed how much stuff is patented but not produced. A friend is going through some MASSIVE legal expenses on just this sort of thing. To date they've found 3 which appear to have him completely balked.

pretty sure pressure sensitive lights have been done.


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
me and some others from school have a few projects on the go that we were considering patenting, but the cost is prohibitive. the best plan is to not tell anyone about your idea, build a prototype, and then try to license or sell the idea. this way, you don't put your own capital into the project, you would generally recieve a lump sum or royalties based on whatever your contract with the licensee says.

aside from that, i have found that by changing a product slightly so that it can be destingued from the original, a company can usually get away with copying an idea. sad, but when you are small, you don't have the capital to chase a large company through court. in the end, you would barely recover your legal costs.

many reasons why the patent systems of today are flawed, and benefit the people stealing your ideas....


previously chris90na-t
Jun 11, 2005
Lakeland, FL
Kinda off topic, but being that it has been talked about in this thread, Pressure sen. brake lights have been around for years. Most every car build up until the 70's used a pressure activation switch to turn on the brake lights.


Oct 3, 2006
cjsupra90 said:
Kinda off topic, but being that it has been talked about in this thread, Pressure sen. brake lights have been around for years. Most every car build up until the 70's used a pressure activation switch to turn on the brake lights.
pressure sensitive LIGHTS, meaning the harder you step, the more significant the light becomes to the driver behind you. apologies if you were attempting to be sarcastic

alright well thanks for the responses, i guess i'll see if i can build up some kinda of prototype, not sure i can pull it off though