Oil Cooler T-Stats are different they're 90/10 by design I seem to remember my Toyota valve sealing fairly well when I tested it many years ago, by comparison the GM valve leaks like a collander, the supplied Vintage Air Servo controlled valve seals 100% but I suspect when powered it'll have a part open park position.
Even if the valve is slightly open it's not going to contribute much to his heat issue unless one of the Mixer Doors is damaged/open.
The way the HVAC is designed you can have 100% hot water in the heater and if the Mixer door isn't open you freeze (happens when the AC Amp or the CC amp dies)
Even if the valve is slightly open it's not going to contribute much to his heat issue unless one of the Mixer Doors is damaged/open.
The way the HVAC is designed you can have 100% hot water in the heater and if the Mixer door isn't open you freeze (happens when the AC Amp or the CC amp dies)