alright. time for an update. i installed all my piggybacks onto the boomslang harness. the all of my grounds were re distributed and were properly installed. all connections were re soldered. i drove it, and the damn problem happened again. so, today i did one last measure. i installed my box which i named the "nms blackbox" with the flick of a switch the car goes into open loop. also, i fixed one wire, the tach signal going into my hks vpc, because it wasnt plugging in that well into the 9pin harness. i tried some 140mph pulls with the nms blackbox on, and it wasnt cutting out. then i tried some more with the box off, either way, no cutting. it worked well enough to make me think that i may have fixed the problem. the car will be going to the drag strip on wednesday, so, we'll see how it does. so far so well. i coasted 13flat last time at 95mph haha.