Honestly, I think they could've done a lot better when it came to repairing the car and at least to try and keep my car clean. I found water in the spare tire well the night I got her back

and while trying to detail the car yesterday, there's this layer of crap (could be dirt or grime or whatever) on the roof, hood, and top parts of the front fenders, and front bumper. Gonna try using a buffer later today to see if that stuff will come out. Now I just need to realign my lights. They could've at least fixed that too. Also, I think my dipstick doesn't want to sit in place anymore, so....anyone have a spare 5SFE dipstick they wouldn't mind sending my way? On a brighter note though, after washing the car down, I noticed that I have some damn mint condition 7th gen wheels with absolutely minute rashes unless you're really searching for'em. Lol. Either way, I'm just happy to have the car back. No more Camry for me.
While wiring the S-AFC2 back up, I managed to pick this li'l number up as well.