Looking for Supra experts


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
dirgle said:
One example is going on right now over in the "R-12 to R134" thread, One school of thought is formed of extensive opinionated experience, and the other comes from factually based knowledge. Which one is right the guys who have experience dealing with the stuff on there own, or the guys who actually understand how it works and have dealt with it based on this understanding. Same thing with the experience verses knowledge thing, Lexus AFM with 440 injectors or 550 injectors. Many will swear by the 440 saying they are just fine while others understand why the 550's were chosen. And there are many, many more examples, but you get the idea.

I want this wiki to be based on reliable sources, not hearsay or testimonials. All sources should be properly cited if applicable.

I have endless documents saved for just such a time as when I can bring them together in a collective, clear, and efficient way for the benefit of all. Till then I will continue hording data.



I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
well looking through the 3s one, you can see most of it is issues such as what you should do at routine maintenance, what stock injectors are like etc. im sure we can do something that we can all agree on.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
swaq said:
I want this wiki to be based on reliable sources, not hearsay or testimonials. All sources should be properly cited if applicable.

What do you consider a reliable source? Over on the thread about Duane's dyno numbers. Nick M made the statement that "I have read some comments from good people that you can't go past 600 rwhp on the 7M head with out nitrous. " And he's right. I've read those discussions. The arguments were very well formed by very reliable people in the community. Yet Duane blew that idea right out the window two nights ago. What was once reliable is no longer reliable, or is it still?

swaq said:

Don't make a sad face, It's nothing somebody who was proficient with Google, and a search button couldn't find. I have just collected a good deal of it over time. I used to have 1.2GB of document data. But since I lost it in a hard drive crash I'm only up to 400MB now.

jetjock said:
Two words for here: better moderation. As for the Freeze 12 issue, forming a belief based on ones or others experience is a common logical fallacy most people fall prey to.

True, and it's a problem a wiki will most likely fall pray to, simply because the majority of the information this site holds to be true is based on experience of individuals or rumors of experience of individuals. Few people are willing to invest the time, money and patience to bring cold hard numbers with there experience. And why should they, it's thier time, their money. So much of what we do to our car has never been followed up by any real research. We do it because somebody else did it. However if we were to remove all the information that was not backed up by proper resources, we would loose a lot of what our cars are. And if somebody was researching a certain, common modification, that he has seen on everybody's car, but was not in the wiki simply because there was not enough "reliable sources". Then the wiki would be considered useless, and would fall flat on it's face.

I'm not trying to rain on your paraid swaq, I'm just trying to make sure you see this from all angles so that you can make the best choices on how to move forward. There is a lot of thought and planing that needs to go into something like this for it to be successful.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
once again a simple request on SM turns into a debate on the whole subject with the usual suspects tossing about their glorified opinions as gospel or debating the soundness of one mans idea.

For Fucks sake either offer to help the man or STFU and stay out of the topic. I just really dont see why people feel the need to constantly piss in everyone elses wheaties!


This community infuriates me sometimes...


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
dirgle said:
What do you consider a reliable source? Over on the thread about Duane's dyno numbers. Nick M made the statement that "I have read some comments from good people that you can't go past 600 rwhp on the 7M head with out nitrous. " And he's right. I've read those discussions. The arguments were very well formed by very reliable people in the community. Yet Duane blew that idea right out the window two nights ago. What was once reliable is no longer reliable, or is it still?

If someone is an expert in a particular field I would consider that a reliable source. If there are relevant documents, books, etc. those can be good sources.

Don't make a sad face, It's nothing somebody who was proficient with Google, and a search button couldn't find. I have just collected a good deal of it over time. I used to have 1.2GB of document data. But since I lost it in a hard drive crash I'm only up to 400MB now.

What makes a wiki work is lots of people willing to contribute content. If all that data were consolidated in a wiki it'd be much easier to retrieve.

True, and it's a problem a wiki will most likely fall pray to, simply because the majority of the information this site holds to be true is based on experience of individuals or rumors of experience of individuals. Few people are willing to invest the time, money and patience to bring cold hard numbers with there experience. And why should they, it's thier time, their money. So much of what we do to our car has never been followed up by any real research. We do it because somebody else did it. However if we were to remove all the information that was not backed up by proper resources, we would loose a lot of what our cars are. And if somebody was researching a certain, common modification, that he has seen on everybody's car, but was not in the wiki simply because there was not enough "reliable sources". Then the wiki would be considered useless, and would fall flat on it's face.

I'm not going to say throw out stuff just because there aren't any sources. Part of using a wiki is knowing that some documents will have less credibility than others. Citing sources and/or relevant discussions can help the user both discern the credibility as well as research the topic further.

I'm not trying to rain on your paraid swaq, I'm just trying to make sure you see this from all angles so that you can make the best choices on how to move forward. There is a lot of thought and planing that needs to go into something like this for it to be successful.

Oh I know, thanks for your input.


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
There is wiki page for the mr-2 people , http://mr2wiki.com/Main/HomePage , with indepth information of each generation. It also has the Mr-2 logo at the top left hand corner. Some thing I would like to see if there is a supra only wiki page. It would be good to see a supra page mirrored to the mr-2 one. Complete with the classic fiber supra logo. Just a tought, any logo (pattern) could be used, even the MK1 (supra) just like the mr-2 page. Everybody that has proven information should contribute. I think it would be a great idea to make a supra specific page. The 3si page is alright but the information is presented by letters and not visuals.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
jetjock said:
Infuriate? It's just a car and the internet.

Its not really the car, or the internet that infuriates me. Its the people behind the text.

Anyway, I think the idea is sound. What pisses me off is the naysayers. If your so concerned that info will be wrong, then contribute to the resourse what you think is right...dont just immediately complain about the validity of the information before its even fucking posted.

Ugh...quite honestly I dont know why I bother. Im probably derailing this thread as much as anybody.

Justin, if I can be of help let me know.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
I think this is a fantastic idea, and if it goes ahead, will benefit alot of people.

I agree with the logic behind wanting to start it too...

All the best to those of you who will be contributing.

I don't have the knowledge to help out with any information, but if i can help in any way with typing or editting, let me know (Hopefully i'll learn a bit along the way too) :)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I've long thought that we need some way to transfer information from a thread that gets hashed out until we all agree to a more permanent record.

Furthermore, this permanent record needs to be mirrored several times in different places, so that we don't have a single point of failure that could wipe it out.

Ideally, it would be downloadable to a CD, so anyone could get a copy and take it with them.

I've got lots of ideas and requirements, but I don't have a picture of an ideal solution, at least not yet.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I think your SME's are the way to go. I back the choices for each. If anything, you could have others in it, but making a team out of a section for the internet is tough.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
i think what swaq is trying to do is great. whenever anybody takes the initiative to create more reference and help for the mk3 im always interested. sorry i cant be much help though, as i will be reading most of it:3d_frown: ....still a noob:(


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
GrimJack said:
I've long thought that we need some way to transfer information from a thread that gets hashed out until we all agree to a more permanent record.

Furthermore, this permanent record needs to be mirrored several times in different places, so that we don't have a single point of failure that could wipe it out.

Ideally, it would be downloadable to a CD, so anyone could get a copy and take it with them.

I've got lots of ideas and requirements, but I don't have a picture of an ideal solution, at least not yet.

I feel the exact same way as you Grim. For those that think I'm a naysayer you really need to get a gip. If swaq gets this rolling I will be one of it's biggest supporters. But I would like to make sure all the wrinkles are thought out before we try, so we have the best chance for success. What I am providing is constructive criticism, so the swaq has a chance to look at this from all angles and already has a solution when some of these problems arise. So don't get all infuriated by this community, because it's simply misplaced, I'm trying to help by forcing swaq to think about this so he's better prepared. Swaq has a good idea and I'm not going to let it die. Some of the questions that were asked we just to see how swaq would deal with them not that I though they were right or wrong. This is a big undertaking so it needs to be done right, and it needs the support of the community. Rather than get mad, contribute.


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
theWeezL said:
Justin, if I can be of help let me know.

Thanks Pete, I'll send you a PM once I finish this post.

LilMissMkIII said:
I think this is a fantastic idea, and if it goes ahead, will benefit alot of people.

I agree with the logic behind wanting to start it too...

All the best to those of you who will be contributing.

I don't have the knowledge to help out with any information, but if i can help in any way with typing or editting, let me know (Hopefully i'll learn a bit along the way too) :)

Thanks. There's still tons of formatting an organizing work that needs to be done before I'll be comfortable letting everyone start adding articles. And there will always be editing to do. I'll send you a PM.

upgradedsupra said:
Guys lets keep this topic civil please.


Thanks Duane. :)

Nick M said:
I think your SME's are the way to go. I back the choices for each. If anything, you could have others in it, but making a team out of a section for the internet is tough.

Had to look up "SME". I assume you mean Subject Matter Experts? (Found that on Wikipedia ;)) In order for this to work there will definitely have to be participation on the part of some experts. Partially to provide information, and partially to keep crap from sticking around.

2543arvin said:
i think what swaq is trying to do is great. whenever anybody takes the initiative to create more reference and help for the mk3 im always interested. sorry i cant be much help though, as i will be reading most of it:3d_frown: ....still a noob:(

Thanks, just because you can't contribute content doesn't mean you can't help with structure or editing.

dirgle said:
I feel the exact same way as you Grim. For those that think I'm a naysayer you really need to get a gip. If swaq gets this rolling I will be one of it's biggest supporters. But I would like to make sure all the wrinkles are thought out before we try, so we have the best chance for success. What I am providing is constructive criticism, so the swaq has a chance to look at this from all angles and already has a solution when some of these problems arise. So don't get all infuriated by this community, because it's simply misplaced, I'm trying to help by forcing swaq to think about this so he's better prepared. Swaq has a good idea and I'm not going to let it die. Some of the questions that were asked we just to see how swaq would deal with them not that I though they were right or wrong. This is a big undertaking so it needs to be done right, and it needs the support of the community. Rather than get mad, contribute.

Thanks, PM sent. :)