Looking back in to the past when you were in High School...


Oct 3, 2006
BorHor said:
Wanabe car guy/ known but not cool. oh and I just finished just about 2 months ago lol
ohh you live in san jose, i JUST got back from visiting my family up there

i went to see some motorcycle races at laguna seca, i REAAALLYYY wanted to check out the drift scene in cali but i didn't have internet access there, so i missed out :[

but yea, i was around that area for most of last week, didn't see 1 supra :0


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
trucker said:
loner, who got ass

with my 62 olds 88 i wasn't exactly in with the car dudes

anyone who has seen my pic can figure i wasn't hanging out with the jocks

punk/rock guys(loacaly refered to as freaks)didn't enjoy my bass heavy music(was into building the big stereos at the time)

band/nerd/moma's boy?...you are kidding...all the same thing aren't they?

Haha I was a loner, but I was VERY naive, so I didn't get any ass. I had a '79 Olds 98 Regency as my first car. It was an awesome car and I wish I never would have had to get rid of it.

I wasn't a jock, wasn't a scholar, wasn't in band.. I played soccer one year and it was great, but the next school I went to did not have a soccer team. I was in ROTC, had very few friends [but the few ones I had were close]. I didn't have enemies, and was not picked on or singled out. I guess I was just an average Joe, or maybe a "Jack of all trades". I got along with just about everyone, even if I didn't necessarily like them. Maybe if I was a bit more social I would have been a "popular kid". What is funny is, looking back on all of that, I had things pretty easy. What is even more funny is that when you are living as a teenager, all of those stupid things in life matter SO much, but as an adult, none of it really matters anymore.


Aug 27, 2006
Car/Cool Nerd Guy, still got along with most ppl and the person most people came to for help with stuff.

Lol chemistry was lots of fun, pouring ethanol on the fire proof benches and lighting it up was always good.


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
Lets see this is a tough one for me...I dont really have a category but if i had to choose it would be the whiteboy that ran with the blacks and hispanics lol....didnt have many white friends growing up and even now i only have 2 of them...i played a little football with the crew in my neighborhood...got good grades up till high school until i realized there is a world out there then i started getting bad grades and eventually dropped out cuz i got tired of all the preppy white people in that school that was all stuck up thinking their shi* didnt stink....so yea thats me



naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I didn't see it as a choice, but I've always been "Class Clown"...........I was also very atletic, but my prick of a stepdad wouldn't fork out the money to let me play sports.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Skam9685 said:
Lets see this is a tough one for me...I dont really have a category but if i had to choose it would be the whiteboy that ran with the blacks and hispanics lol....didnt have many white friends growing up and even now i only have 2 of them...i played a little football with the crew in my neighborhood...got good grades up till high school until i realized there is a world out there then i started getting bad grades and eventually dropped out cuz i got tired of all the preppy white people in that school that was all stuck up thinking their shi* didnt stink....so yea thats me


"You'll be walking down the street and you'll see a bunch of black dudes walking, and not just any old black dudes; we're talking 'thugs'. And in the group, they got one, or two, sometimes as many as three white guys with them, you ever seen that shit? Well let me tell you something about those white guys. Those white guys are the most dangerous motherfuckers in them groups. It's true, man. There's no telling what kind of crazy shit they've done to get them black dudes respect, but I'll tell you they've done some wild shit. "
-Dave Chapelle


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
drunk_medic said:
"You'll be walking down the street and you'll see a bunch of black dudes walking, and not just any old black dudes; we're talking 'thugs'. And in the group, they got one, or two, sometimes as many as three white guys with them, you ever seen that shit? Well let me tell you something about those white guys. Those white guys are the most dangerous motherfuckers in them groups. It's true, man. There's no telling what kind of crazy shit they've done to get them black dudes respect, but I'll tell you they've done some wild shit. "
-Dave Chapelle



Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
tte said:
Which type of guy/ gal were you?
I just wanted to see what most of us were like growing up in our teen years and what things we all used to do.

Categories :

Were you a...

School Band ?
Punk Rocker?
Cool Car guy?
Mommy's boy?


Where is the option for all of the above(except punk rocker).

I was a nerd: Took all honors and AP courses.

Athlete: Did high and intermediate hurdles

School band: Award winning marching band and concert band

Cool car guy: I was always "Joe with the blue Supra"

lonely guy: I like to eat lunch alone...

Mommy's boy: My mom often brought me lunch during band camp since we weren't allowed to drive off campus.



Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
Nerd turned Cool guy turned Nerd again. The "cool" people were complete asses, taking the piss out of anything and everyone including me, so I cut em all off and went back to my old, slightly geeker friends. I found it a lot more enjoyable talking about the latest games than a shitty new rap CD from some gay rapper.

Anyway, HS is over for now and I can move on to the big wide world :)


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
DonS1mpson said:
Nerd turned Cool guy turned Nerd again. The "cool" people were complete asses, taking the piss out of anything and everyone including me, so I cut em all off and went back to my old, slightly geeker friends. I found it a lot more enjoyable talking about the latest games than a shitty new rap CD from some gay rapper.

Anyway, HS is over for now and I can move on to the big wide world :)

hey hey hey....lets not hate on rap

Techno Supra

Hardcore DJ
Hmmm...I was the stoner/partier that pulled good grades. Knew a lot of the cool people, but didn't associate with them outside school. Usually hung out with people a couple years older than I. Skipped as many days as possible to not get dropped. Computer gamer, class clown, rocker now turned DJ/Producer/Project Manager.


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
Went to military High School were JROTC was required for guys, optional for girls.
Graduated with rank of Captain, Class president, treasurer of United Nations group, secretary of Honors Society, was on Senior Basketball team (averaged about 2 minutes game time for entire senior year), had the loudest stereo in the parking lot, got away with a lot of stuff that most ppl would even get expelled for and went out partying 4 nights a week.

I was pretty popular, for a geek.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Hah, high school was something...

I was:

- a band dork (co-section leader in marching band, first chair concert band and "section leader" in all county band)
- a rocker (played in a few ska bands)
- athlete (played soccer until I moved to florida my junior year)
- cool guy (hung out with any and everyone)
- class clown (did anything to get a laugh, even the teachers loved me)
- nerd (was in the florida top 10% or whatever it was called and graduated Cum Laude <-- we had some fun with that term)
- car guy (granted I did go through a ricer phase, I generally was the go to guy when it came to car troubles)
- game/computer nerd (influenced the major I chose in college)