It's all about effort. If the paint job is done properly, nice smooth clearcoat, nothing looks/feels shoddy, and it's what she was going for, then great...good for her. I can completely respect her for that.
Black/Pink combo looks cool on the outside, but...with a blue interior? I guess she's planning on changing that out at some point in the future, but...seems like she jumped the gun on that--if it were me I would've swapped out the interior first. Any interior color would go decently with pearl white, but...only a few stock interior colors--gray and black come to mind--would really go with that paint scheme.
And a few more things that irk me slightly about the work, and it's really no big deal I guess, but it made me think--on her cardomain page, the first thing I saw was the
...So basically, she had some money to throw at the car, wanted some rims, and wanted to let the members of cardomain vote on which ones to get to help her decide? I guess I can understand asking a few close friends for their valued opinions to see what they think would fit best or look good, but asking total strangers seems a little bit like a cry for attention.
Maybe I completely misunderstood the poll, or maybe I'm just waay personal about choosing upgrades for my Supra, and have too much pride in the car for what it is without over-the-top custom work. I don't really care if anyone else likes the parts I buy for my car, I only care that they produce the desired result. Lastly, when I show a pic of my almost stock engine bay I don't preface it with "Sry don't puke I know it's stock but it'll get pimped soon!!" or anything like that.
You've obviously spent great time and money on your car, Jen, and I respect that, please don't take offense to what I've said. Just be weary of modifying your car with the sole intent to please others, or to model it after a trendy fad. This is your car--it doesn't have to be pimped out Fast'n'Furious style to be fast, enjoyable or unique.