longest web page in history? well its the longest i've found i think.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
this thread has little to no point. i just thought i'd ask to see if anybody had an idea what this webpage IS or WHAT it's for. its incredibly long, so long I decided not to wait to see it finish loading before i posted.

basically i randomly googled 335904 and looked at the large pics, picking the third from the right on the bottom row. the pic linked to this page and now i'm wondering what the hell i found. not important...just...curious.



Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
Jeez, you must have alot of time on your hands! Or you're just really weird. :icon_razz But...I guess the fact that I'm reading this thread and responding to it means that I do too! :aigo:

I think that is probably the longest page i've encountered, and I have no idea what it means...but my computer still hasnt finished loading it, and it is really slowing my computer down, making everything I type appear after lie 5 secs...LOL.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
to explain my finding....

a friend said "search for this and look at this pic" because her pic came up in this search, which was for a really big band that she listens to a lot, and her last FM account associated her with it because she's on their top listener list. so i'm like... yeah i'll be cool or at least waiste some of her time in return so i said look at this number this page etc....

and it worked. she looked at it so i decided to see what i just linked her too, then i experianced what is described above and was pretty much just "what the crap is up with this useless server-log....thing?"

so i thought i'd post and hope someone with a better connection would see whats up, or a techie that knows some terms knows what the hell it is...

but yeah thanks Supracentral. lol. (i forgot your real name or i'd use it. frank? heh...)

but yeah. no porn. but guessing by your SN JustAnotherVictim, i can see why you were scared.