Local tuners!!!!!


clutch kick
Dec 23, 2011
chicago(south side)
Ok I was told to post this here. Many people have had their supras tuned at various shops. Others have never steped a foot in one before. I thought it would nice to have those of you that have been to tuner shops and had you supras tuned there post were you had it done at. NAME OF SHOP, ADDRESS or LOCATION, WEBSITE(if they have one) or CONTACT INFO, WHAT TYPE OF TUNE THEY DID(do you have piggyback, stand alone, and brand???) And a BREIF.... description of mods done to your car, the main things. If you can get anymore information on the tuner that would be great! Some tuner shops can do it all, others specialize in certain things. I thought a quick reference thread would be of great help to all. If you already see the tuner you have used listed, dont re-post ALL their info, but if can add something that was not in the original post, then put that up.