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"A" Car Term Abbreviations
A - Amperes
ABS - Antilock Braking System
ABRS - Air Bag Restraint System
AC - Alternating Current
A/C - Air Conditioning
ACCS - A/C Cycling Switch
ACCUM - Accumulator
ACCY - Accessory
ACT - Air Charge Temperature Sensor
ADJ - Adjust or Adjustable
ADV - Advance
AFS - Airflow Sensor
A/F - Air/Fuel Ratio
AI - Air Injection
AIR or A.I.R. - Air Injection Reactor
AIS - Air Injection System
Alt. - Alternator or Altitude
ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link
Amp - /amp/amps: Ampere
APS - Absolute Pressure Sensor
ASCS - Air Suction Control Solenoid
ASD - Auto Shutdown
ASDM - Air Bag System Diagnostic Module
ASV - Air Suction Valve
A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
ATC - Automatic Temperature Control
ATDC - After Top Dead Center
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATS - Air Temperature Sensor
AWD - All Wheel Drive
Aux. - Auxiliary
Avg. - Average
AXOD - Automatic Transaxle Overdrive (Ford Models Only)
"B" Term Abbreviations for Cars
B+ - Battery Positive Voltage
BAC - By-Pass Air Control
BAP - Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor
BARO - Barometric
Batt. - Battery
Bbl. - Barrel (Example: 4-Bbl.)
BCM - Body Control Module
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BMAP - Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
BOO - Brake On-Off Switch
B/P - Backpressure
BPS - Barometric Pressure Sensor
BPT - Backpressure Transducer
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
BTU - British Thermal Unit
BVSV - Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve
Auto Terms that Start with the letter "C"
C - Celsius (Degrees)
Calif. - California
CAN - Controller Area Network
CANP - Canister Purge
CAS - Crank Angle Sensor
CARB - California Air Resources Board
CAT - Catalytic Converter
CB - Circuit Breaker
CBD - Closed Bowl Distributor
CC - cubic centimeter
CCC - Computer Command Control
CCD - Computer Controlled Dwell
CCOT - Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCW - Counterclockwise
CDI - Capacitor Discharge Ignition
CEC - Computerized Engine Control
CID - Cubic Inch Displacement
CM - Centimeter
CMP - Camshaft Position Sensor
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
Cont. - Continued
CONV - Convertible
CP - Canister Purge
CKP - Crankshaft Position Sensor
COP - Coil On Plug Ignition
CPI - Central Port Injection
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CSSA - Cold Start Spark Advance
CSSH - Cold Start Spark Hold
CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor
CTVS - Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch
Cu. In. - Cubic Inch
CVC - Constant Vacuum Control
CVR - Control Vacuum Regulator
CV - Check Valve or Constant Velocity
CW - Clockwise
CYL or Cyl. - Cylinder
C3I - Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
C4 - Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter
Auto abbreviations starting with the letter "D"
D - Drive
dB - Decibels
DC - Direct Current Or Discharge
DDD - Dual Diaphragm Distributor
Def. - Defrost
Defog. - Defogger
DEFI - Digital Electronic Fuel Injection
DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
DFI - Digital Fuel Injection
DFS - Deceleration Fuel Shutoff
Diag. - Diagnostic
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DIC - Driver Information Center
DIS - Distributorless Ignition System
DIST - Distribution
DLC - Data Link Connector
DOHC - Double Overhead Cam
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DOT - Department of Transportation
DRB-II - Diagnostic Readout Box
DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter
Vehicle Abbreviation Terms beginning with the letter "E"
E2PROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EACV - Electronic Air Control Valve
EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module
EBL - Electronic Back Light
EBM - Electronic Body Module
ECA - Electronic Control Assembly
ECM - Engine Control Module (sometimes referred to as PCM powertrain control module)
ECT - Electronically Controlled Transmission
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EDIS - Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EECS - Evaporative Emission Control System
EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
E2PROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFC - Electronic Fuel Control
EFCA - Electronic Fuel Control Assembly
EFE - Early Fuel Evaporation
EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRPS - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EGRT - EGR Temperature
EI - Electronic Ignition
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EMR - Electronic Module Retard
EOS - Exhaust Oxygen Sensor
EOBD - European Onboard Diagnostics
EPOS - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (chip)
ESA - Electronic Spark Advance
ESC - Electronic Spark Control
EST - Electronic Spark Timing
EVAP - Evaporative Emission System
EVIC - Electronic Vehicle Information Center
EVP - EGR Valve Position
Exc. - Except
Automobile Terms for the Abbreviation Starting with the Letter "F"
F - Fahrenheit
F/B - Fuse Block
FBC - Feedback Carburetor System
FBCA - Feedback Carburetor Actuator
FCS - Fuel Control Solenoid
Fed - Federal
FDC - Fuel Deceleration Valve
FI - Fuel Injection
FIPL - Fuel Injector Pump Lever
FPR-VSV - Fuel Pressure Regulator Vacuum Switching Valve
FLS - Fluid Level Sensor - Foot Pound
FWD - Front-Wheel Drive
Car Abbreviation Starting with the Letter "G"
G - Grams
GALS - Gallon
GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection
GEN - Generator
GND or GRND - Ground
GPM - Grams Per Mile
GPS - Global Positioning System
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight
Vehicle Abbreviation Term Definitions starting with the letter "H"
H20 - Water
HAC - High Altitude Compensation
HC - Hydrocarbons
H/D - Heavy Duty
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
HEI - High Energy Ignition
Hg - Mercury
HGT - Height
HLDT - Headlight
HO - High Output
HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
HP - High Performance or Horsepower
HSC - High Swirl Combustion
HSO - High Specific Output
HT - High Tension
HTR - Heater
Hz - Hertz(Cycles Per Second)
Vehicle Term Abbreviations starting with "I"
IACV - Idle Air Control Valve
IAT - Intake Air Temperature
IATS - Intake Air Temperature Sensor
IC - Integrated Circuit
ICM - Ignition Control Module
ICS - Idle Control Solenoid
I.D. - Inside Diameter
ID - Identification
IFI - Indirect Fuel Injection
IFS - Independent Front Suspension
IGN - Ignition
In. - Inches
Inch Lbs. - Inch Pounds
in. Hg - Inches of Mercury
Inj. - Injector
IMRC - Intake Manifold Runner Control
IP - Instrument Panel
ISC - Idle Speed Control
ISO - International Standards Organization
ITCS - Ignition Timing Control System
ITS - Idle Tracking Switch
IVSV - Idle Vacuum Switching Valve
Car Repair Terms Starting with the letter "J"
JAS - Jet Air System
J/B - Junction Block
Automobile Abbreviation Terms Starting with "K"
KAPWR - Keep Alive Power
k/ohms - kilo-ohms (1000 ohms)
kg - kilograms (weight)
kg/cm - Kilograms Per Square Centimeter
kHz - Kilohertz
Km - Kilometers
KM/H - Kilometers Per Hour
KOEC - Key On, Engine Cranking
KOEO - Key On, Engine Off
KOER - Key On, Engine Running
kPa - Kilopascals
KS - Knock Sensor
kV - Kilovolt
kW - Kilowatt
Automobile Repair Abbreviation Terms Starting with the Letter "L"
L - Liter
lbs. - Pounds
lb./ft. - Pound Feet
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
L/D - Light Duty
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LHD - Left-Hand Drive
LTFT - Long Term Fuel Trim
LWB - Long Wheel-Base
Vehicle Abbreviation Starting with "M"
mA - Milliamps
MA/MAF - Mass Air Flow
MAFS - Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT - Manifold Air Temperature
MCS - Mixture Control Solenoid
MCT - Manifold Charge Temperature
Mem. - Memory
MEM/CAL - Memory Calibration Chip
mfd. - Microfarads
MFI - Multiport Fuel Injection
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Light
mm - Millimeters
MPG - Miles Per Gallon
MPH - Miles Per Hour
MPI - Multi-Point (Fuel) Injection
MPV - Multi-Purpose Vehicle
ms - Millisecond
mV - Millivolts
Auto Abbreviation Beginning with "N"
NA - Naturally Aspirated
NGS - New Generation Star
N.m - Newton Meter
NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen
NVRAM - Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
Car Abbreviation Beginning with the Letter "O"
O2 - Oxygen
O2S - Oxygen Sensor
OBD - On-board Diagnostics
OBD I - On-board Diagnostics One
OBD II - On-board Diagnostics Two
OBD III - On-board Diagnostics Three
OC - Oxidation Catalyst
OD - Overdrive
O.D. - Outside Diameter
OE - Original Equipment
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHC - Over Head Camshaft
OHV - Over Head Valve
O/S - Oversize
OS - Oxygen Sensor
oz. - Ounce
ozs. - Ounces
Automobile Repair Abbreviation Terms Starting with the Letter "P"
P - Park
P/B - Power Bakes
P/C - Printed Circuit
P/N - Part Number
PA - Pressure Air
PAIR - Pulsed Secondary Air Injection
PAS - Power-Assisted Steering
PCM - Powertrain Control Module (sometimes referred to as ECM engine control module)
PCS/PC/SOL - Purge Control Solenoid
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PECV - Power Enrichment Control Valve
PFI - Port Fuel Injection
PGM-FI - Programmed Fuel Injection
PID - Parameter Identification
PIP - Profile ignition pick-up
PNP - Park Neutral Position Switch
P/N - Park/Neutral
PPM - Parts Per Million
PRNDL - Park Reverse Neutral Drive Low
PROM - Program Read Only Memory (chip)
P/S - Power Steering
PSI - Pounds Per Square Inch
PSP - Power Steering Pressure
PSPS - Power Steering Pressure Switch
pts. - Pints
PTC - Pending Trouble Code
PTC - Positive temperature coefficient Additional : This is applied to the way the resistance of a thermistor varies with temperature. In this case, the resistance will increase as the temperature raises
PTO - Power Take-Off
Pwr. - Power
PWR - Power to Weight Ratio
Vehicle Abbreviation Terms beginning with the letter "Q"
Qts. - Quarts
Auto Term Abbreviations Starting with the letter "R"
R/A - Resume or Accelerate
RABS - Rear Anti-lock Brake System
RAC - Remote Accessory Controller
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAM - Ride Air Module
RAM - Remote Anti-theft Module
RAP - Retained Access Power
RAV - Remote Activation Verification
RBC - Rotary Blade Coupling
RCC - Rear Climate Control
RCC - Remote Climate Control
RCM - Restraint Control Module
RCDLR - Remote Control Door Lock Receiver
RDCM - Right Door Control Module
RDM - Rear Door Module
RDS - Radio (broadcast) Data System
RDS - Radio Display System
REC - Receive
RECAL - Recalibrate, Recalibration
RECIRC - Recirculation
RECIS - Remote Entry Control and Immobilizer System
REDOX - Reduction Oxidation Catalytic Converter
REEGR - Rotary Electric EGR
REF - Reference
RESC - Remote Emergency Satellite Unit
REX - Rear Exchanger
RF - Radio Frequency
RF - Right Front
RFA - Remote Function Actuator
RFF - Roller Finger Followers
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
RFWS - Right Front Wheel Speed
RH - Right Hand
RIM - Radio Interface Module
RIM - Rear Integration Module
RKE - Remote Keyless Entry
Rly - Relay
RM - Relay Module
RMD - Right Mid Door
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPA - Rear Parking Assist
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RPM - Remote Power Module
RPO - Regular Production Option
R&R - Remove and Replace
RR - Right Rear
RRD - Right Rear Door
RSA - Rear Seat Audio
RSC - Roll Stability Control
RSS - Reverse Sensing System
RSS - Road Sensing Suspension
R/T - Road/Track
RT - Right
RTC - Real?Time Clock
RTD - Real Time Dampening
RTN - Return
RTT - Reconfigurable Telltale
RTTP - Rotunda Technician Tool Program
RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RV - Recreational Vehicle
RVAC - Rear Video/Audi/HVAC Module
RVP - Reid Vapor Pressure
RWAL - Rear Wheel Anti-lock
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive
RWS - Rear Wheel Steer
Abbreviations Starting with the letter "S" for Automobiles
SBC - Single Bed Converter
SBEC - Single Board Engine Controller
SC - Supercharged
SEFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SES - Service Engine Soon (light)
SFI - Sequential (Port) Fuel Injection
SIL - Shift Indicator Light
SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIPS - Side Impact Protection System
SOHC - Single Overhead Cam
SPFI - Sequential Port Fuel Injection
SPOUT - Spark Output
SPK - Spark Control
SOL/Sol. - Solenoid
SRI - Service Reminder Indicator
SRS - Secondary Restraint System
SRS - Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)
SRT - System Readiness Test
SS - Speed Sensor
SSI - Solid State Ignition
STAR - Self-Test Automatic Readout
STFT - Short Term Fuel Trim
STO - Self-Test Output
SUB-O2 - Sub Oxygen Sensor
Sw. - Switch
SWB - Short Wheel-Base
Sys. - System
Abbreviations Beginning with the Letter "T" for Autos
TAB - Thermactor Air By-Pass
TAD - Thermactor Air Diverter
TACH - Tachometer
TB - Throttle Body
TBI - Throttle Body Injection
TC - Turbocharged
TCC - Torque Converter Clutch
TCM - Transmission or Transaxle Control Module
TCS - Traction control solenoid (SAAB 9000)
TD - Turbo Diesel
TDC - Top Dead Center
TDI - Turbo Direct Injection (A turbo charged direct injected diesel engine)
Temp. - Temperature
TFI - Thick Film Ignition
THERMAC - Thermostatic Air Cleaner
TIV - Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
TKS - Throttle Kicker Solenoid
TPI - Tuned Port Injection
TPP - Throttle Position Potentiometer
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor/Switch
TPT - Throttle Position Transducer
TS - Temperature Sensor
TSP - Throttle Solenoid Positioner
TV - Throttle Valve
TV - Thermovalve
TVS - Thermal Vacuum Switch
TWC - Three Way Catalyst
TWC+OC - Three Way + Oxidation Catalytic Converter
Abbreviations Starting with the letter "V" for Vehicles
V - Valve
Vac. - Vacuum
VAF - Vane Airflow
VAPS - Variable Assist Power Steering
VCC - Viscous Converter Clutch
VCRM - Variable Control Relay Module
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
VM - Vacuum Modulator
VOLT. - Voltage
VOM - Volt-Ohmmeter (Analog)
VRV - Vacuum Regulator Valve
VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSV - Vacuum Switching Valve
VVC - Variable Valve Control
VVT - Variable Valve Timing
Abbreviation Term Definitions Beginning with the letter "W" for Vehicles
W/ - With
W/O - Without
WAC - Wide Open Throttle A/C Switch
WOT - Wide Open Throttle