Well I've been lifting on and off for 2 or 3 yrs starting back in highschool. Put on a good amount of muscle but then started slacking and lost it all. Smfh. Now im gettin it all back and read an interesting article in the news paper.
I noticed some other ppl doing some "hood workouts" in the park or playground sin my area, pullups on jungle gyms and etc etc. Looks like fun but does it pack on any mass? I know that it will definitely increase core strength but im looking to pack on some more size as well as strength. I know from experience weights will do it just unsure about calisthenics. Any opinions?
I noticed some other ppl doing some "hood workouts" in the park or playground sin my area, pullups on jungle gyms and etc etc. Looks like fun but does it pack on any mass? I know that it will definitely increase core strength but im looking to pack on some more size as well as strength. I know from experience weights will do it just unsure about calisthenics. Any opinions?