License Suspended!!!!!!!!


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Well, good luck.

If you believe in prayer, now would be a good time to start. ;)

Oh, and a tip. Don't even think of uttering that everyone else was doing it... they don't care.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
wow felony speeding! i dont think anyone needs to speed but i dont think its a felony offense, ever, period... unless you are drunk.

1 year suspension that sucks. i hate it when cars have downtime but you technically cant drive anything, unless you get a scooter or a bicycle! i havent driven my supra for about 6 months now and even then i havent driven it hardly in almost 2 years now =/


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Get on the phone TOMORROW and talk to every attorney who will take your call.

VERY IMPORTANT... You need to talk to the actual attorney and not some secretary or flunky. (You'll see what I mean when you start making phone calls.)

Since you're a youngster, I'm assuming you're not flush with cash, so it may take some searching and a little pleading (for a reasonable fee, and maybe a payment plan), but if you are persistent you will definitely find an attorney.

You don't need F. Lee Bailey or David Shapiro, but you do need to show with an attorney for the reasons I previously stated.

Whatever it costs, just bite the bullet and pay it.

Make this your #1 priority and I promise you will not regret it.

P.S. Don't waste alot of time beating yourself up, it's anti-productive and that's how life works, you make mistakes and hopefully you learn from them. Good luck.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
suprabad said:
Get on the phone TOMORROW and talk to every attorney who will take your call.

VERY IMPORTANT... You need to talk to the actual attorney and not some secretary or flunky. (You'll see what I mean when you start making phone calls.)

Since you're a youngster, I'm assuming you're not flush with cash, so it may take some searching and a little pleading (for a reasonable fee, and maybe a payment plan), but if you are persistent you will definitely find an attorney.

You don't need F. Lee Bailey or David Shapiro, but you do need to show with an attorney for the reasons I previously stated.

Whatever it costs, just bite the bullet and pay it.

Make this your #1 priority and I promise you will not regret it.


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
now that 200 is that by the hour or for the case. Any decent attorney will do it based off a hourly rate. I happened to have had an uncle well lets say 2,000 an hour was a good deal on him. If you can't find one just try to get an appoiment to see what your options with one on your case. And homework does payoff in this area.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
TuRbOdReAmZ87 said:

So i guess that falls between "your going to get your ass handed to you" but at least you didnt reach "Lucky if they let you ride a bike" status. Dont worry, im 20 and ive been in boats like this (sinking very fast, and you have no arms or legs) Its really all about money, which is time. You can pay it off in jail through time, pay a lawyer, pay the massive dmv fees, pay the municipal court, pay the state(in NJ we have a mandatory state fee of 250$ every time a ticket gets reduced). So be prepared! Whats cool to know is, the more you make per hour, the easier your getting off.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Reading this has been a good reminder not to speed.

And just last week I did a bit of a high speed run(on am empty,rural highway of course)

I couldn't live without a car. I'd go nuts.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
damn it could be worse dude....a couple of nights ago i had a mishap in the truck.

i cant go into details but it's a four point hit.

thing that sucks, new laws in texas say i cant take deffered adjucication, plea or defensive driving, because i'm a cdl holder.i'm hoping because i was out of state, something can be worked out.otherwise, i'm in a world of hurt.tx no longer divorces your pov violations from comercial ones, which means my already astronomical insurance rates are going to double...i was damn lucky to keep my job, it goes without saying i'm not an instructor anymore. the company was actually pretty forgiving, tossed me the keys to another truck a couple of hours after my piss test. bitch of it was i was just issued a volvo 780, and had it for 10 minutes when the incident occoured. the thing was beautiful, for a volvo, more like an rv in the'll be in the bodyshop for the next 2 weeks, before i see it again.

one of the only things that have helped me in this is my record of a million miles clean.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
trucker said:
damn it could be worse dude....a couple of nights ago i had a mishap in the truck.

i cant go into details but it's a four point hit.

thing that sucks, new laws in texas say i cant take deffered adjucication, plea or defensive driving, because i'm a cdl holder.i'm hoping because i was out of state, something can be worked out.otherwise, i'm in a world of hurt.tx no longer divorces your pov violations from comercial ones, which means my already astronomical insurance rates are going to double...i was damn lucky to keep my job, it goes without saying i'm not an instructor anymore. the company was actually pretty forgiving, tossed me the keys to another truck a couple of hours after my piss test. bitch of it was i was just issued a volvo 780, and had it for 10 minutes when the incident occoured. the thing was beautiful, for a volvo, more like an rv in the'll be in the bodyshop for the next 2 weeks, before i see it again.

one of the only things that have helped me in this is my record of a million miles clean.

i hate that law its brand new too.


Feb 27, 2007
San Jose
well i'm gonna sign up for a restricted license to school and home, so at least i will still be able to drive a little than not drive at all. I'm just glad i have friends that can drive me around now cuz i did it for them. o well just to add in detail i got pulled over and had alcohol on me, but i wasn't drunk, but it obviously doesn't matter cuz i'm 19 not 21. my blood alcohol level was 0.042 so it might get thrown out in court but it's doubtful. drive safe guys, or at least when u know ur in cop territory.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005

I'm not going to say anything... but just hope someone else that sees this, they take it easy on you.

Personally, I hope you get reamed for what you did, you stupid asshole


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
you are fucked toofast. hate to say it. .042 is ~ 1.5-2 beers. in my state ids a dui if your over .02 while under 21


New Member
May 14, 2006
Bel Air, MD
mkIIIman089 said:

I'm not going to say anything... but just hope someone else that sees this, they take it easy on you.

Personally, I hope you get reamed for what you did, you stupid asshole

I concur. Driving drunk is one of the stupidest things you can do, in my opinion.

1) You know it is illegal.
2) You knew you were intoxicated.
3) I can guarantee that you were not the only one at the party, and therefore, could have asked someone for a lift. (The aforementioned friends...)
4) There is no gray area, either you blow it, or you don't.

I can see an intoxicated person forgetting one, or all of these, but your dry friends, forgetting one or all of these? (You did have sober friends at this shindig...right?)

It hurts me to say this, but I hope you get full punishment under the law.Don't take my life, the person you are trying to pass or whatever on the road, into your hands, when all I am trying to do is go home to my family. I would appreciate it.
