Lexus Aristo vs R33 "other car" story

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
ok, I have a little more time around, its time to make the reading experience a bit better to the body and soul as I take you on a journey which takes place in the not do distant past. Yes, the past...before the Terminator Machine war vs man, but after the fall of skynet...this is the Aristo-crat vs Godzilla.

It all started as a couple of friends hanging out at a local pub...well just call it Lizard Lounge (actually, thats what its really called..good place, chill people, cute cheers (the tv show) for young people). Anywho, a couple of McNuggets and lies later to the local hunnies, we decide to call it a night and head back home.

Upon our drive, we head up the Harbor Bridge as we make our way to Portland (for me) and Ingleside (for him). As I lead the way, I cannot help but to look at his beautiful R33 GTR just glowing with the street lights as it flows through its immaculate body.

As we make down the harbor bridge, I notice that he is playing with the throttle a little bit, pushing on and letting off as if he was either toying with the car or trying to get my attention. I look down the causeway of which we enter; its dead silent, its an empty barren of vehicular lunacy-esque possibilities...I slightly smile at the thought of taking the cars to the limit on this glorious road.

I quickly analyze our cars and mods...we both are essentially stock, except I have hard pipes, a thicker IC and a more efficient intake. Im not sure on what his weight us, but im sure its of similar car is physically bigger, however. We were decently matched..him the RB26DETT and I being the 2JZGTE...

..seconds later, he was matched up next to me and on equal speed. My heart rate slightly rises, my hands grip the wheel and I prepare my gears for war. Since he is right-hand drive, it was easy to read his eyes and we look over at each other..we know its on. Its time for battle...he downshifts and takes off. Giving himself a slight jump, I was lucky enough to have already been in the correct gear. So, I roll up the window on my door and put the pedal to the floor. My 3.0L twin turbo screams freedom as the boost creeps higher and higher as the rev's rise. I start to pull him, Im inching my way to where my door is matched with his. I quickly look over to see his severe focus on the road and by the time I look forward, my Aristo is pulling ahead and in the lead. He is forced to shift and it knocks just a little bit more distance between us and now Im a car ahead. We continue, we dont stop, we are striving to reach "the limit" and Im 2 cars ahead...we reached the pinnacle of our battle and both let off.

The adrenaline dump takes over and we are relieved from experiencing "the limit". We give each other a peace sign and a smile as two friends with machines made to go fast have been pushed by their respected owners. Finally we reached portland and I gave him a wave and he returned the favor...I went to my home and he went to his.

....Then today, Carl (Mr Supra), Raji (Mr Skyline) and I (Mr Aristo) met up with Wayne (Mr Silvia) and Pudge (Mr 350Z) at the weekly Sonic meet for a good time, good convo, great friends. Life is good when the company you keep holds strong value.