less boost on the lex afm??


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
suprafanatic;1075238 said:
thank you bountykilla..... according to my wideband the car is running safely. and for those that may have not seen my last post about my stock injectors, im not even sure there 440s cause my car with "stock" injectors and stock AFM would run 17-18psi and still run rich with very little adjustment with the safc. so my injectors seem to be putting out plenty of fuel. and bountykilla is right, its all about tuning.. there are several people running stock injectors and lex afm.. i know this is going to sound realy stupid but i did fix the fuel cut problem.. it was the same problem my stock afm had. it doesnt like to be completly sealed up with the filter, it likes a little gap between the filter and afm other wise it hits fuel cut realy early. which i find to be odd. but i put a small gap between the lex afm and the air filter and there is no more fuel cut. so it seems like it was just having restriction problems. now when i boost i hit 18psi and the wideband says between 10-11 and the safc is only at +10 so i could lean that down somemore still. either way next week i will be buying 550s

Do u have a AFPR?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
bountykilla0118;1075365 said:
Que??? Easy there captain I am a little slow, wait I mean stupid no I mean ignorant. Educate me please and prove what you say....

I know a few people running the lex afm and I happen to be the one with the smallest turbo .... Just a stock ct26. There are a few members on this forum who have the lex afm and 440 combo. Quin noted that stock 440's start to lean out @ 18psi on his 60-1.

Again can you show me your facts .... I mean show everyone

Without addressing your point, let's use some common sense. He said he's going to have 550cc injectors in a week. Having the injectors is going to give him a bit of cushion and make it safer while he's tuning it and give him a little more capacity in operation.

Whether or not you think the 550's are necessary - if he has them coming, the smart thing would have been to wait for them. Even if I agree that the ability to run 440's safely can be completely determined by the quality of the tuning (which I don't based on the boost levels being talked about) - I find it very hard to believe someone who makes consistent bad decisions to achieve such a tune.

There is no point to installing the lex by itself if you have 550's on the way. There is certainly no reason to turn up the boost until you install the larger injectors. I still don't understand exactly what has been done to the filter - but it sure doesn't sound like the right way to fix any problem.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
well my car aparently runs alittle different no one else has had that happen with the air filter, with the stock afm and filter on my car would hit fuel cut at like 5-6psi..with it gapped i could run up to 17psi... it was doing the same thing with the lex afm and filter so i gapped it to... and how can you say regardless of what your wideband says? are you saying the widebands are no good anymore for reading AFR's?????


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
well nothing else fixes my fuel cut problems,, iv tried everything and it took that simple gap to fix the fuel cut.. the shop even said at one point with the filter on it seemed like there was to much of a restriction to the afm... im not going to leave it like that, im going to find a high flowing filter or something along those lines. as for boost and lex im turning it down till i get the 550s


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
What filter are you running, and how do you have it attached? I have a hard time imagining that it's more restrictive than the stock airbox... Is this 'gap' that you are referring to before or after the AFM?


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
It's right where the filter attaches to the AFM, BEFORE it measures the air coming in.

I have a dyno chart showing my AFRs at 17PSI on 440s, they were leaning out there (starting to hit 13). They are fine at 15PSI (in the low to mid twelves), but I also have an AFPR and I'm running a bit over stock FP. A calculator here shows that 15 PSI is between 83% and 90% duty cycle at the factory redline. Pushing it, yes, but not maxed out. However, recalculate for 17PSI, and you find that you are in fact OVER 100% at factory redline. Nate was still running rich at 18PSI, so he clearly does not have 440s. At 12PSI, 440s would be right around 80%, most consider this to be the maximum duty cycle that is safe. Again, I would like to add that I am fully convinced that Nate is not on 440s, because his injectors would have to be working something like 120% at 18PSI just to not go boom, let alone run rich (he said he was around 10.5 IIRC)


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
Is he refering the adjustment screw? I had the same problem with my setup back the screw almost all the way out ...... I drilled the stock one to get to the screw but the lex afm came already exposed.

Quin what was your fuel pressure at the time..... More psi less duty cycle on the injectors up to a point but I cant remember what the exact number was for the max fuel pressure


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
I think it's 50, I'm 100% sure. Car isn't running or I'd check it for you. No, he literally means where you attach the filter on the front of the AFM, he doesn't tighten his filter down all the way.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
No, it sneaks in more unfiltered air. I have no idea how it helps anything, but it does on his car :dunno:


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Quin;1075472 said:
It's right where the filter attaches to the AFM, BEFORE it measures the air coming in.

I have a dyno chart showing my AFRs at 17PSI on 440s, they were leaning out there (starting to hit 13). They are fine at 15PSI (in the low to mid twelves), but I also have an AFPR and I'm running a bit over stock FP. A calculator here shows that 15 PSI is between 83% and 90% duty cycle at the factory redline. Pushing it, yes, but not maxed out. However, recalculate for 17PSI, and you find that you are in fact OVER 100% at factory redline. Nate was still running rich at 18PSI, so he clearly does not have 440s. At 12PSI, 440s would be right around 80%, most consider this to be the maximum duty cycle that is safe. Again, I would like to add that I am fully convinced that Nate is not on 440s, because his injectors would have to be working something like 120% at 18PSI just to not go boom, let alone run rich (he said he was around 10.5 IIRC)

I concur, I'm having a hard time believing they are stockers.

Just for shits and giggles, you may want to send those off to be cleaned and flowed, costs aroung $50 at some places, there is a link on this site to one of the best/cheapest persons to send them to. If they are indeed larger, sell 'em. ;)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
starscream5000;1075507 said:
I concur, I'm having a hard time believing they are stockers.

Just for shits and giggles, you may want to send those off to be cleaned and flowed, costs aroung $50 at some places, there is a link on this site to one of the best/cheapest persons to send them to. If they are indeed larger, sell 'em. ;)

If they are larger, save the money you were gonna spend on 550's. Use some of that money to have them cleaned and flowed. This could explain why your car was stronger than the average stock Supra last year in Chicago.

contact Tim at cleaninjectors.com. He only charges $25 to flow new ones, but I don't know cleaning fees.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ya its K&N.. how do you clean them? and yes the gap is between filter and afm, so pre afm.... the only thing it does is make it less restrictive, the turbo can suck air in alot easier,, and for some reason this works on my car, like Quin said. it is wierd i know but it works.. is there a way just by looking at the injectors to tell if there stock ones? and for those of you craping your pants about all this, iam going to turn the boost down and run it safe till i do get the injectors in. lol...... also like ForcedTorque was saying my car last year dyno'd 243hp stock.. not sure if that has anything to do with the injectors or not.


get naked & boost a supra
suprafanatic;1075710 said:
ya its K&N.. how do you clean them? and yes the gap is between filter and afm, so pre afm.... the only thing it does is make it less restrictive, the turbo can suck air in alot easier,, and for some reason this works on my car, like Quin said.

you need a filter recharge kit for the K&N filter. they are about 10 dollars
i find it very weird that if you tighten your filter down, you can only boost 5-7psi. bit if you don't know how to clean your filter, then i guess it is not hard to believe. like scott said, get your injectors checked out before you spend the money on new ones. if you take them out, they may have someone's brand name on them. there will be a part number on them though.
you don't want shit sucked into your intake system that is not filtered.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
bountykilla0118;1075365 said:
Que??? Easy there captain I am a little slow, wait I mean stupid no I mean ignorant. Educate me please and prove what you say....

I know a few people running the lex afm and I happen to be the one with the smallest turbo .... Just a stock ct26. There are a few members on this forum who have the lex afm and 440 combo. Quin noted that stock 440's start to lean out @ 18psi on his 60-1.

Again can you show me your facts .... I mean show everyone

Bounty, im not going against anything you say, but just keep in mind that 440's can varify.

Stock 440's that have been in the car for 100K miles are different from 440's that were jsut cleaned and tested.

Ive run 440's at higher boost on a 57 trim. It can be done. Is it smart, no. I added meth


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
bountykilla0118;1075232 said:
I understand that 550's would be almost a direct swap and would not "need" to be tuned to be safe but come on you guys kill me ...... isn’t there a rule of thumb for injectors for our cars?????


So with that said 440cc injectors would be good up too the 400rwhp mark if that rule of thumb is appropriate, relevant or half way factual. He is no where close to that range yet. Hopefully he has had his injectors serviced at least.

Nick .... I guess that rule of thumb is null and void?


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
it holds true to a point. look at RX7's that run 1600cc injectors, will they make 1600hp? more than likely not.

really 90% is the MAX an injector should be run at brand new, after so many miles 80% is probably a better number to use.

80% x 440 = 352

Remember that is considering peak efficiency. It is a general rule of thumb but doesn't mean it's a 100% set in stone rule.