Learning to Play the Piano


New Member
May 14, 2006
Bel Air, MD
Anyone here play the piano? I kinda want to learn how. I know EFGABCDEF (the lines) and I know the positions on the piano for C and D etc. Its the intricacies, like the sharps and flats, bars over several notes, pedals, and the whole left hand/bottom set of lines (forget what they are called) things that stump me.

I can play, albeit 5 times longer than it should be, a song or two. I just need practice, but when I try and get sheet music I always run into something I don't understand, and searching for "piano notes with bars connecting them" is useless. Does anyone of a Java thing that would help me to speed up using the keyboard?

I am too cheap to pay and attend lessons. Does anyone know of any free resources on the net that would point me in the right direction or a book that would help.

Any help is appreciated.



Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Are you playing the piano just to play other peoples music or do you eventually want to compose a song of your own? If you want to compose your own music, I strongly advise against learning from someone else. If you learn from someone else, you pick up their style of music. Id suggest just buying a book and learn how to play by yourself. Thats how I learned to play the piano, guitar, bass, and drums. The piano is the base of all stringed instruments tho. If you learn the piano, you will pick up guitar pretty easily. If you know how to play guitar, then you already know how to play bass, and drums....well thats a whole other story. Thats where the fun starts.