I thought 11-12 AFR (lean) was a no no at WOT? i've heard lean is mean (not if thats in a good way or bad) but i'm having a issue at WOT where i'm at about 15.8 and sometime goes to 16.3 at WOT... I read this on SF ( http://www.supraforums.com/forum/sh...ning-to-lean-on-the-1jz&p=8487220#post8487220 )which seems to be really bad based on what is being said. i have no issues, smoke or loss of power. my set up is big single Precision 60-1, 255 walbro, AEM wideband, AEM FIC (which i don't know how to work), Aeromotive FPR, stock injectors (looking to upgrade till 440cc). ONLY thing that makes me wonder is that my HKS wastgate is not sitting on the valve seat properly causing an exhaust leak which doesn't allow me to hit full boost till about 4k give or take. so in my mind is it safe to say that if i go WOT the TPS is telling the ECU to give more fuel but the air flow to match the fuel is not being delivered by the turbo lag causing a rich situation? i hope that made sense to someone. any help/insight/advice/clarification would be appreciated.