About Lam's car: He has heard it ALL already. He will NEVER change to please your wishes. Yes, he knows that many don't like it. He may be different enough psychologically to actually want you to hate it (I just lately got the weirdest sense that he would enjoy it if it upset the haters). When you get upset he may be laughing at you, he sure as hell does not care to please all.
I read his story in a thread once (that I dug up looking for something else). He explained myself in it & why he has modded his car like that. He exlpained himself already in it, he does not have to explain himself to every new hater that should see it in every thead.
There is NOTHING negative you can say to him that many trolls in the past have not already said. It is getting tiring for the community to hear the same things over & over & over & over & over & over again.
As I rember it, all the following contributors/members are cool with him & it: Rajunz, Trent, GrimJack, Jeff Lange, Suprra_Girl, SuprAng, TurboToy, Larry_A, SupraNick the top of my head & memory that is what came up. How can they all be wrong!?
While you're entitled to your own opinion, and I'm sure a lot of people do agree with you, is it really helping out a fellow member, when you insult his car? Up to you, but IMO, why not offer constructive ideas for him to make it better rather than just telling him all the stuff you don't like about it.
Oh well, like I said, he's heard it all, and he's very good at taking it all as a grain of salt.