Alright guys I need some opinions. My motor has about 1400 miles and its all forged internals bored 40 over and such. I was driving it to an amusement park and i guess i was running low on oil but i didnt notice. On the way back though I guess i completely had no oil well enough to run so the engine lost power and the turbo turned cherry red. eventually as i came to slow down the car shutoff on its on and would not start. Now when i attempted to run the car again the car knocks like crazy. How bad do you think the damage is. Do you think im going to need to buy rods and a new crank or maybe i got lucky and just spun a bearing. Either way i believe Im going to bring my crank and rods to a machine shop to be checked out once i rip aprt the motor. Any advice is appreciated:1zhelp: