89nasupra;1607829 said:
Yeah but in stead of bombs it will be giant killer cocks (roosters) they will just sit at everyones window and wake us up at 0430 every morning till we kill our selves.
Pfft, I'm a zombie and wake up at 9pm and am at work well before 4:30am it wouldn't bother me a bit.
Back on topic, I took with me a picture showing a scale comparison of king kong at 55 feet and jaws at 25 feet. Most people still refused to say kong would win. They kept insisting in the water kong would just sink when he went to grab at jaws. I kept saying, haven't you ever been swimming, you should be able to tread water with just your feet Or hands. Kong has massive limbs so it should be even easier for him to use just his feet to stay above water or use his hands to stay afloat and grab with his feet.
Only a few people after seeing the size difference changed their minds. I was shocked people still stuck to the jaws winning after seeing the difference. I even put a human at 6 feet tall and had a fish to scale at 2.7 feet to show it in relative terms. I was like if your in the ocean and a crazed 2.7 foot fish is after you, you couldn't grab it?? You might get bite once or twice but eventually once it comes to bite, throw your forearm out then with your other hand rip its gills out!