kwnate said:
Well not really but, Breezin91t raced Duane in his brothers 1j RHD car. 60roll about, they stayed pretty close. I'm not sure who won as I was trying not to rearend them

I gave about 4 seconds and ran em down real quick
Tom can tell you the details.
It was a blast out driving with some mk3's, First time for me!
Who knew 453whp could be this fun!!!
Okay!!!:icon_razz Here we go. First off, let me just say, er...Nate's car is' fast as shit!!!:aigo: :biglaugh: I was lucky enough to get a ride in it, and now know again, that there is another whole world out there beyond the upgraded CT 26!!( Previous official "fast Supra" ride was with Duane, @ 24psi!!@!)
On to the race. Duane, driving his brothers car, (thanks Darrel!)LOL! and myself, did the 3-honk thing from about a 55mph roll. I grabbed 3rd and it was on! The 1J, pulled me strong. On the upshift, I started to reel him in...maybe 100mph or so. At about 110mph I was gaining quick, but in all fairness, Duane had to back outta' it, cause he had a "non-participant" (LOL!) in the lane ahead, and I had the clear shot! I'm very surprised, :icon_surp that Darrel's car is that fast! I thought that I'd show him that the 7m's torque, would rule the day...but I guess I need to tune my car, if I ever want to try that again! LOL! RonRam, videod the race, so we'll have to see exactly what their perspective looked like. (he was riding with Duane) As to what Nate was doing during all of this? Well, I imagine he was yawning, and patiently waiting for those fuckin' sloww ass Supra's ahead of him to get outta' his way, so he could shift to fourth!!!:biglaugh:
P.S. Did you guy's just happen to figure out the ProFec before we left?!:naughty: :biglaugh: